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Concept: Childhood Revisioned


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Okay, this is the big one. The culmination of everything to come before, where your friendships are put to the test (if you have any) and your moral character firmly established. The primary point of this whole concept, which is to give social-focused characters something more to do in this section of the game than talk Butch into being less of a wuss.


- Stronger Security Officers

This is just applied across the board. While they shouldn't be unstoppable powerhouses, it's equally ridiculous how easily Vault 101 security falls. Radroaches can rip them to shreds easily and it only takes a few good whacks of your baseball bat to drop one. This is not the outcome for even a semi-competent security force. Vault 101 security officers should have more health and possibly have their armor slightly altered to give small bonuses to Small Arms and Melee, both of which are fitting to their profession. Security Chief Hannon should have somewhat (though not significantly) more health than the others, as his patrol carries him through a heavily radroach infested area.

Doing this will not only make the escape somewhat more challenging for combat-focused characters (stealth characters already have a hard enough time), but also ensure that certain characters don't die before social characters have a chance to interact with them.


- Talking Your Way Past Officer Kendall

Poor Officer Kendall. The whole world seemed to have it in for him. If it wasn't you or the radroaches, then Butch might cut him apart. Helping him (if not saving him) from the radroaches should actually mean something, instead of just leading him to clobber you over the back of the head.


If you stick around and kill at least one radroach, instead of turning immedately hostile, Officer Kendall will approch and speak to you first.


OFFICER KENDALL: You should have run when you had the chance!




1. Please, Officer Kendall! Just let me go! I don't even know what's going on!

OFFICER KENDALL: Sorry, kid. Overseer's orders. [END DIALOG - OFFICER KENDALL turns hostile]



2. And let the radroaches deny me the pleasure of killing you myself? C'mon, blackbelly, time to throw down.




3. [FRIENDSHIP - Avaliable ONLY if you invited Kendall to your birthday party] Officer Kendall, stop it! You KNOW me! You know I didn't do anything! I didn't even know my dad had left until Amata told me! Just let me go. I'll go talk to the Overseer if you want.

OFFICER KENDALL: ... nrr, DAMN IT. Why did it have to be you? Look, kid, the Overseer is in no mood to talk. Everything's gone crazy. Just... just go. Get out of here while you can. I'll pretend I never saw you. [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]



4. [CHARISMA 8+] This isn't right, Officer Kendall. You HAVE to see that. I don't know what my dad did, but I didn't do anything. If you give me a chance, I'll try to help however I can. But this is my home and I don't want to see anyone here get hurt.

OFFICER KENDALL: I'm sorry, but I just can't... oh, the hell with it. This whole place is turning upside down around us. I joined the Security team to keep my family safe, not murder kids and helpless lab assistants. Go on, get out here. [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]




1. Thank you, Officer Kendall. I know this can't be easy for you.

OFFICER KENDALL: It's not. When the Overseer finds out... just go, please, before I change my mind. [END DIALOG]



2. Is there anything you can do to help me? Anything you could at least tell me?

OFFICER KENDALL: Aren't I doing enough already? I'm putting my whole family on the line for you! Just GO, damn it! - [END DIALOG]



3. [CHARISMA 10] Please, Officer Kendall. I don't know the rest of the security force that well. If there is anything you can do, anything you could say to them...

OFFICER KENDALL: No, not that I wouldn't try if I thought it would help. Don't try to take the main corridor to the Vault door. The Overseer handed Richards and O'Brian firearms and told them to shoot anyone trying to get through. They're so twitchy and nervous right now, I think they'd shoot their own kids if they saw them. The Overseer's got Chief Hannon on patrol around the security office and Officer Mack acting as his 'personal bodyguard' too. God knows why you'd go up there, but don't expect either of them to listen to a damn thing you say. [END DIALOG]



4. [CHARISMA 10] Could you come with me? Please? There are radroaches everywhere and the rest of the security is out for my head. I don't know if I can make it alone.

OFFICER KENDALL: Damn it, kid! The moment they saw me escourting you, we'd both be dead! I CAN'T. I can't put my family at risk like that... alright, look, here. Take these and if anyone asks, you caught me off guard, knocked me out, and stole them. It's the best I can do. [END DIALOG - VAULT SECURITY ARMOR, VAULT SECURITY HELMET, and POLICE BATON are taken from OFFICER KENDELL's inventory and given to PLAYER]


If you talk your way past Officer Kendall, he will stay friendly to you so long as you do not attack him or any other Vault resident where he can see it happen.


- Alternate Ways to Save Ellen DeLoria

If the player has joined the Tunnel Snakes, they gain not only a somewhat different option for talking Butch into helping you save his mom, but a somewhat different reward as well.



1. [TUNNEL SNAKES] You kiddin' me? RADROACHES? What the hell are roaches compared to SNAKES?

BUTCH: You know what? You're right! They ain't nothing! Tunnel Snakes rule! [END DIALOG - BUTCH runs into DeLoria room and attacks the radroaches]



Additionally, if Officer Kendall is still alive and friendly towards the player, you can hurry back and enlist his help as well.


OFFICER KENDALL: Damn it, didn't I tell you to get out of here?


1. I know, I'm sorry, but you have come with me! Butch's mom is in danger!

OFFICER KENDALL: Damn it, if it's not one thing it's another around here. Let's go! [END DIALOG - OFFICER KENDALL will run to the DeLoria's room and attack the radroaches]



Once the roaches are killed, regardless of who killed them, Butch will thank the player. If the player possesses the Tunnel Snakes perk, rather than supplying you with a second Tunnel Snakes Jacket, Butch instead hands over Butch's Toothpick. If he is picked up as a follower later in the game, he will no longer have this weapon and use an NPC switchblade instead.



BUTCH: We did it! My mom's gonna be okay! You're the best man, the best! Here, I know it ain't much, but I want you to have this. [END DIALOG - BUTCHES TOOTHPICK added to PLAYER Inventory]



- Extended Interaction with the Holdens

Tom and Mary Holden are two people who the player has absolutely no chance to interact with, which is regrettable. Though catastrophically naive, Tom in particular shows a lot of courage and an intrepid nature in his desire to escape the Vault that absolutely no one else you encounter displays, and Mary's loyalty, even running into the jaws of death with him, is just as admirable. Though the player can spare them a terrible death by letting officers O'Brian and Richards take a few pot shots, all this results in is the Holden's calmly walking away. The player should instead be given the chance to speak with them before they make their fatal decision. Because Tom is so impetuous however, you only have a brief window in which to do so.



- Dialog with Tom Holden

TOM HOLDEN: You're the docs kid, aren't you? Come on, we're getting out of here!

1. Okay, let's go! - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN will then run towards OFFICER O'BRIAN and OFFICER RICHARDS and be gunned down. MARY HOLDEN will follow. This occures even if the player beats them to the door.]



2. No, wait! There's another way out!

TOM HOLDEN: We don't need one! Those security goons have no right to keep us in here! Come on Mary, lets go! - [END DIALOG - Events proceed same as Option 1]



3. ... [say Nothing]

TOM HOLDEN: Damn it, he/she is in shock. We can't wait around for him/her to snap out of it or we'll never get out! [END DIALOG - Events proceed same as Option 1]



4. Hell with you! I'm getting out of here and I don't need any damn tag alongs. You go your way and I'm going mine.

TOM HOLDEN: I plan to, pal. You're just like your dad! - [END DIALOG - Events proceed same as Option 1]



4. [FRIENDSHIP - Available only if you revived the information after talking your way past OFFICER KENDALL] No, stop! If you go down there, they'll shoot you dead! Officer Kendall said they have guns and are under orders to kill anyone who tries to get to the Vault door!

TOM HOLDEN: They wouldn't do that! We're they're own people! - [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]



5. [CHARISMA 7+] Don't try it! There is a safer way out through the Overseer's office.

TOM HOLDEN: Why would we need one? They can't stop us! - [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]




1. They can and they will. Do you really want to put Mary's life at risk by testing them?

TOM HOLDEN: I... no. You're right. But what do we do? We're not going to stay here any more! If you're dad got out, so can we! - [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]


2. You don't believe me? Fine, idiot, walk over there and ask them to let you out. You want to save me some time by giving me anything valuable you're carrying now, so I don't have to get it off your corpse in a few minutes?

TOM HOLDEN: Go to hell, you lying little twerp! Come on Mary, they've GOT to let us through! [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN will then run towards OFFICER O'BRIAN and OFFICER RICHARDS and be gunned down. MARY HOLDEN will follow. This occurs even if the player beats them to the door.]




1. Don't worry, we're not going to stay. Both of you come with me, I'll show you the way.

TOM HOLDEN: Yeah, you WOULD know a way out, huh? I mean if you're old man made it. Okay, lead the way! - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN and MARY HOLDEN become Temporary Followers]



2. Come with me if you want to live.

TOM HOLDEN: Uh, right! - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN and MARY HOLDEN become Temporary Followers]



3. Get back to your room. That's the only thing you CAN do right now. If I can make it out, I promise I'll come back for you two as soon as I can.

TOM HOLDEN: Okay. Alright. But remember, you PROMISE! - [END DIALOG - - TOM HOLDEN and MARY HOLDEN will run for the door back to the LIVING QUARTERS. They vanish after this.]



- Mary Holden Dialog

MARY HOLDEN: You? You're doctor Jame's kid aren't you? Would you PLEASE talk to Tom? I think he's going to get himself hurt!



1. Okay, I'll try. [END DIALOG]



2. You two are trying to escape too? Come with me! We can get out together!

MARY HOLDEN: I... I don't know. Tom wants out of here, but... TOM! WAIT! - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN will then run towards OFFICER O'BRIAN and OFFICER RICHARDS and be gunned down. MARY HOLDEN will follow. This occures even if the player beats them to the door.]



3. [FRIENDSHIP - Avaliable only if you recived the information after talking your way past OFFICER KENDALL] Not that way! It's suicide! Those guards are under orders to shoot on sight! Go back to living quarters! The door to my room is still unlocked, hide in there!

MARY HOLDEN: They'd really shoot us?! Tom, we can't do this! Let's get out of here! - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN and MARY HOLDEN will run for the door back to the LIVING QUARTERS. They vanish after this.]



4. [CHARISMA 7+] I'm leaving because I HAVE to, but who knows what it's like out there? You guys shouldn't leave the vault, not now. Look, if I can, I'll come back and I'll let you two out too, but get back to the living quarters. It's too dangerous here.

MAY HOLDEN: You WOULD come back for us, wouldn't you? Tom, he/she is right. We can't just run out there unprepared, we don't even know what it's like. Lets wait, PLEASE. I believe him/her. - [END DIALOG - TOM HOLDEN and MARY HOLDEN will run for the door back to the LIVING QUARTERS. They vanish after this.]



- Witnessing the Attack On/Death of Paul Hannon

It's mentioned in Trouble in the Homefront that Paul Hannon was killed by radroaches during the events of ESCAPE!, but never seen. One change, and an important one, would be to allow the player to witness the attack on him. This would entail adding an extra room to the Atrium level with an open window and a key-locked door. Through the window, the player could see PAUL HANNON, in a VAULT UTILITY SUIT, and armed with a LEAD PIPE, fighting against a large horde of eight or more radroaches. If the player stays long enough, Paul will be overwhelmed and die.



- Security Chief Hannon Dialog

Dealing with Paul's father is more complicated .



SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: The Overseer said there'd be a bonus for anyone who brings you in!



1. I don't want to fight you, officer Hannon, but I'm getting out of here and not the Overseer or you or anyone else is going to stop me.




2. Wait, please! I give up! Take me in! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: It's too late for that. The order was bring you in DEAD, not alive. But I'll make sure it goes on record that you died by accident and not a traitor to the Vault like your dad. [END DIALOG - SECURITY CHIEF HANNON turns hostile]



3. [FRIENDSHIP - FRIENDS WITH PAUL HANNON] Look I know you've never liked me and Paul hanging out together, but we're friends! What are you going to tell him?

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: I don't know yet, but he'll understand. We CAN'T have people like you and your dad disrupting the stability of this Vault. He'll be sad, but he can make new friends. [END DIALOG - SECURITY CHIEF HANNON turns hostile]



4. [CAME WITHING A CERTAIN DISTANCE OF PAUL HANNON] WAIT! Paul's in trouble downstairs! We have to help him!

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: Don't even try it. You and Paul have never gotten along, I'm not about to buy into you caring now. [END DIALOG - SECURITY CHIEF HANNON turns hostile]



5. [FRIENDSHIP + CAME WITHIN A CERTAIN DISTANCE OF PAUL HANNON] We don't have time for this! Paul's in trouble! He's being swarmed by radroaches back in the Atrium! I couldn't get to him, you've GOT to help!

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: God, you're not lying, are you? You wouldn't lie about something like that, not about Paul. Get out of the way, NOW! [END DIALOG]



If you are able to convince Chief Hannon of Paul's peril, he'll remain friendly and immediately rush past you to the floor bellow. He has a key to unlock the door Paul is trapped behind, but even if Paul is still alive, he is automatically killed the moment the door is open. Chief Hannon will attempt to kill all the radroaches in the room, though it's possible for him to be overwhelmed. The player can follow him to help and Chief Hannon will speak to them afterward.


SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: ... damn it. DAMN IT! Why?! My son... my only son... Why did the Overseer have us out wasting our time on you when this was happening? Damn him, damn you, and damn your bloody father!



1. He's... he's dead? I'm sorry, I found you as soon as I could.

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: ... I know. You were never any good for Paul, but I know you wouldn't want... just go. Get out of here. Get out of my goddamn face! I don't even want to look at you.[END DIALOG]


2. ... [sAY NOTHING]



3. I always figured he'd go like a chump. You should have heard him crying. Bleeting sheep to the end, huh Paul?

SECURITY CHIEF HANNON: Shut up! SHUT UP! Don't you dare talk about my boy! You miserable little... this is your fault! It's all your fault! [END DIALOG - SECURITY CHIEF HANNON turns hostile]


If Chief Hannon is still alive and not hostile, he will remain in the room and remain friendly to the player so long as he is not attacked and does not witness the player attacking anyone else. If the player made friend with Paul during Growing Up Fast, they can find a Pre-War Baseball Cap near his body. Looting his body, however, will turn Chief Hannon hostile.



- Wally Mack

One last hurdle before the home stretch, or one last way around one, the player can now find Wally Mack leaning against the wall outside of the Security Office. Wally Mack will have traded in his Tunnel Snakes Jacket for Vault Security Armor, but will not have a helmet and be armed with a Baseball Bat instead of a Police Baton. He will initiate dialog the moment he spots the Player.


WALLY MACK: Hold it right there! We're supposed to bring you in!




1. Wally?! What the hell are you doing here?

WALLY MACK: Not that it matters to you, but they called out everyone, even the security trainees. Thanks to your dad and the radroaches, there aren't enough people to clamp the place down. Good for me though. Means I get to bust a few heads open. Yours included. [DIALOG CONTINUES, SAME TREE]



2. Wally, wait! Just let me go! I didn't do anything!

WALLY MACK: You think I care, spaz? I've been waiting for a chance to clobber you good and the Overseer says it's open season for squares! Time to put you in your place! [END DIALOG - WALLY MACK turns hostile]



3. Oh, good. I was hoping I would see you before I left. I've got about ten years of payback to dish out on you,

WALLY MACK: You ain't got a prayer, wimp. I could kick your tail even before I got picked for security training. There isn't gonna be enough of you left for them to bury when I'm done. [END DIALOG - WALLY MACK turns hostile]



4. [TUNNEL SNAKES PERK] Whats with the costume, brother? Ditch the blackbelly outfit and get your colors on man, then lets get outta here. Tunnel Snakes rule, right?

WALLY MACK: Get real. I outgrew that stupid gang a long time ago. While you and Butch were still playing punk like you were ten year olds, my brother was teaching me how to crack even skulls as thick as yours. Ready for a demonstration? [END DIALOG - WALLY MACK turns hostile]



5. [FRIENDSHIP - Ava liable if you made friends with Wally Mack during Growing Up Fast] ... but you're not really going to do it, are you?

WALLY MACK: You kidding? Hell no. I don't care what the Overseer says, Wally Mack don't turn on his pals. Just get going fast. They're in there cutting a few slices out of Amata, so they shouldn't see you. Just don't go in there and start nothing. My brothers the one with the carving knife. [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]



1. Thanks Wally, you're the best.

WALLY MACK: Don't I know it. [END DIALOG]



2. Did you say they've got Amata in there? Wally, I can't leave her in there! She got me out of this mess.

WALLY MACK: Look, I'm tellin' ya, if ya go in there I ain't gonna have any choice but to come down on your with my brother and I don't want to do it. Just leave the broad. She's the Overseer's kid, so whats the worst they could do? [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]




1. I guess you're right. The Overseer wouldn't hurt his own kid.

WALLY MACK: But he'd hurt you plenty, so scram while you can. [END DIALOG]


2. Sorry, Wally, I just can't do it. I CAN'T abandon her now.

WALLY MACK: Then I ain't responsable for what'll happen. Should have ditched the female dog, buddy. [END DIALOG]


3. [CHARISMA 7+] YOU go. If you can get your brother out of the way, I can get Amata out.

WALLY MACK: And how do you expect me to do THAT? [DIALOG CONTINUES, NEW TREE]




1. Hell, I don't know. Improvise!

WALLY MACK: Ain't gonna happen. You want her, go get her, but you'll have to get through BOTH of the Mack brothers to do that. [END DIALOG]



2. [sTRENGHT 7+] Just drag him out or something. He's not that big.

WALLY MACK: With the Overseer standing right there? Don't be stupid. I'll take a jab for you, but I ain't about to get kicked off security. [DIALOG CONTINUES]



3. [AGILITY 7+] If you could just distract him, I can sneak Amata out.

WALLY MACK: Guess I could say I saw you skulking around the processor room and need help digging you out. Just be fast, alright? They won't buy it for long. [END DIALOG]



4. [iNTELLIGENCE 7+] Tell your brother you need to talk to him in private and get him into the holding cell. I can get in and lock the door on the terminal. I'll have to break it though, so the Overseer doesn't let you out again right away.

WALLY MACK: You want me to let you lock me up? Eh, fine. Wouldn't be the first time I spent a night in there. Just make sure you wait till I get my brother in there, cause I swear you disturb one bead of sweat on his bald head... [END DIALOG]



If the player cannot convince Wally to help them out, but does not get him angry, he will remain friendly and only turn hostile if the Player enters the Security Office or is seen attacking anyone else (such as Chief Hannon).


If the player talks Wally into helping with the AGILITY plan, Wally will enter the security office and several moments later, Wally and Officer Mack will out the door and into the room where the body of Flyod Lewis can be found. They will stay there for several minutes, giving the player enough time to rescue Amata and have a confrontation with the Overseer. If Officer Mack spots the player during this time, both he and Wally will turn hostile.


If the player talks Wally into helping with the INTELLIGENCE plan, Wally will enter the security office and several moments later, Wally and Officer Mack will walk together into a corner of the holding cell. Once the player enters the room, he has a very brief amount of time to run to the terminal on the desk and close and seal the cell door. It cannot be reopened after closing. If the player isn't fast enough, both Wally and Officer Mack will turn hostile and run out to attack.




- Dealing With the Holdens

If you talk either Tom or Mary into coming with you, both will become temporary followers. Neither is marked as estential, nor are they particularly sturdy or skilled combatants. If you manage to keep one or both of them alive all the way out of the Vault, you will have several options for dealing with them.


- Tom Holden Dialog

TOM HOLDEN: We... we made it? I really didn't think we could do it.

TOM HOLDEN: [ADDITION, if MARY HOLDEN died] I... I don't know if I wish Mary could have been here to see this or if I'm glad she isn't. This isn't anything like what I expected...

TOM HOLDEN: What are you going to do now?



1. [iF MARY DIED] I'm sorry I couldn't get you both out. I tried, but...

TOM HOLDEN: No, stop it. It's my fault. You can't take that away from me. I should have never... why didn't I listen to her? Oh Mary... [DIALOG CONTINUES, SAME TREE]



2. I have to go find my father. He's somewhere out here. I just know it. What about you?

TOM HOLDEN: Well we can't go back, so I guess we're going to have to find our own way. Thanks a lot for getting us this far and good luck. I hope you find your dad. [END DIALOG]


TOM HOLDEN [ALTERNATE, IF MARY DIED]: I don't know... I'm not sure I can really go on without Mary. And now that I'm out there... this was a mistake. I'm going back. Back inside, I mean. Maybe they'll let me back in, one day... [END DIALOG]



3. [READ SCOUTING REPORTS] There is a place near by, some kind of settlement called Megaton. I read about it on the Overseer's computer. I guess we're not the first ones from the Vault to come out here. The reports were from a long time ago, but I think I can see it even from here. It's that big of metal over there. I'm going to start looking for my dad there.

TOM HOLDEN: A community? Of people? Hard to believe ANYTHING could live up here, but if you say it's there, then that's where Mary and I are headed too. Maybe we'll see you there. [END DIALOG]


TOM HOLDEN [ALTERNATE, IF MARY DIED]: People, huh? I don't... I don't think I'm ready for people just now. Think I'd rather be alone. Please. [END DIALOG]



5. None of your business, Tom. I got you out, that's as far as we go together.

TOM HOLDEN: If you want it that way, alright. We owe you for getting us out, but we don't expect anything else. Good luck, I guess. [END DIALOG]


TOM HOLDEN: [ALTERNATE, IF MARY DIED] Fine. I don't really care. I don't care about anything anymore. Leave me alone... [END DIALOG]


- Mary Holden Dialog

MARY HOLDEN: We made it, but this... oh god, this is worse than I could have imagined...

MARY HOLDEN: [ADDITION, IF TOM DIED] This is what you were trying to get to, Tom... you... you big idiot...

MARY HOLDEN: I don't... what happens now?



1. [iF TOM DIED] I'm sorry about Tom. I tried my best.

MARY HOLDEN: You should have tried better! You should have talked him out of this! Now... now he's gone and I... Tom...



2. I have to go. My dad is out there somewhere and I need to find him.

MARY HOLDEN: We understand. Don't worry about us. As long as we're together, not even this place can stop us. Thank you and good luck. [END DIALOG]


MARY HOLDEN [ALTERNATE, IF TOM DIED] Thats it? You're just going to LEAVE me here? Just like you left Tom to die? Fine, I didn't expect any better anyway. [END DIALOG]




3. [READ SCOUTING REPORTS] There is a place near by, some kind of settlement called Megaton. I read about it on the Overseer's computer. I guess we're not the first ones from the Vault to come out here. The reports were from a long time ago, but I think I can see it even from here. It's that big of metal over there. I'm going to start looking for my dad there.

MARY HOLDEN: Really? A town? With people in it? Oh, Tom, lets go there too! I don't think it's good for us to be out here on our own. And... thank you, for getting us out of there. This isn't... it's nothing like what we could have expected, but if there ARE people living up here, I bet we can make it too.


MARY HOLDEN [ALTERNATE, IF TOM DIED] And is Tom there? No? Then what do I care! He was the only thing I cared about in this world and he's GONE! You can't bring him back, no one can! I don't want anything more to do with you! I don't want this world! [END DIALOG]


4. Don't know, don't care. Least not as far as you go. I'm leaving. You're on your own.

MARY HOLDEN: Well you don't have to be... no, it's your right, I guess. You got us out, after all. I'd wish you luck, but I doubt you care. [END DIALOG]

MARY HOLDEN [ALTERNATE, IF TOM DIED]: Fine. Everyone I care about has already left me anyway...


If only one of them makes it out of the Vault alive, the living member of the pair will go back into the entrance tunnel and can be found at the Vault door from that point on. They won't have anything new to say to the player, however.


If they both make it out but the player abandons them to find their own way, they'll begin to drift immediately towards the Springvale School, where they are likely to be killed by the raiders there unless the player escorts them. Even if the player saves them from their immediate deaths, the unprepared couple will not be long for the world and returning later will find their bodies in the cage near the stairwell inside the school.


If you read the Scouting Reports on the Overseer's computer and tell them about Megaton, they'll begin to head towards it. They SHOULD make it safely and can be found wandering around town. They sleep in the Common House.


If you ever make your way to Paradise Falls and either one is still alive, in Megaton or the Vault entrance, you can offer to catch and sell them to the slavers as a way into the city. Unlike other characters, however, Tom and Mary don't need to be mezed and can instead simply be talked into heading to Paradise Falls on their own. If they ARE enslaved, they can be found in the Slave House and freed at a later date.

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I must ask, though, shouldn't there be something different about amata if she was a tunnel snake, or even a mock one?


She WOULD be still wearing a Tunnel Snake Jacket in Escape!, if you talked Butch into letting her hang around with the gang, but I didn't picture there would really be any dialog difference. Amata is still Amata, she's just dressed differently.


It might change something in the reports you can read in the Overseer's computer though, since Butch and the others would have stopped pestering her by that point and the Overseer would have the added worry with her seeming to be in the gang (not that she really was).

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A: She would have had to act as part of the gang to keep butch clueless. Chances are she'd at least have picked up some of the behaviors in three years.

B: The officer would probably be much harsher if he believed that she was part of a gang.


Sorry, I probably didn't state that properly. What I meant to imply is that I didn't really see any PLACE to change her dialog. The circumstances being what they were during Escape!, everything that she says seems about what she'd say if she had spent time with the Tunnel Snakes or not. While some minor changes COULD be tossed in, jazz up things she says with some retro-slang or cursing, it just seems unnecessary.


The only alterations I might see making sense is maybe talking her into helping you fight Officer Mack, and later Officer Wolfe and Officer Park at the Vault door. But then, I could see that as an option even if she WASN'T a Tunnel Snake, just because Amata as a person isn't a wimp (though not violent by nature either, so it would probably take high Charisma to convince her, possibly made easier if you gave her the gun at the beginning of Escape!).


As for Officer Mack and his treatment of her, I can't actually see it getting any worse. At least not with the Overseer standing right there. While the Overseer HAD apparently already let Officer Mack hit her, I can't really see him letting Mack leap straight to really working her over with a baton at the point the player arrives on the scene. Officer Mack is a sadist and a thug, but he is also implied to have been obeying the Overseer's orders even in regard to the death of Jonas. Amata hanging around/being in the Tunnel Snakes would have probably made the Overseer unhappy, but not to the point where he'd give Mack free reign to cave her skull in.

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