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Ultimate Sheagorath Mod!


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Greetings fellow Gamers and clever Modders,


I only have one request, and was hoping our good friends at Bethesda gave us the capability for this. While in Solitude I meet up with Sheagorath, and was talking to him to learn he was around in the time of the Oblivion Crisis, and was wondering if it was possible to mimic Dragon Age's ability to link up the games, maybe a mod in Oblivion to create a file for the Mod in Skyrim?


Hope this gets created!

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I would say it should be possible with Oblivion and Skyrim because the modding community for Fallout already did almost the exact same thing with Tale of Two Wastelands (ie sticking the world maps of FO3 and NV together with a quest line.) The concept for oblivion and skyrim should be roughly the same but the trick would be getting a mod team together to actually tackle it. you would need a decent amount of people who really know what they are doing




edit: actually i found one merging Morrowind into Skyrim with plans for a oblivion version to come http://tesrenewal.com/skywind-faq

Edited by mikeloeven
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