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mod request: Bandana's, Headbands


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I'm interested in Headband's, Bandana's and the like, some neat but not too obstructing headgear would do, also a crown and similar items which don't cover the whole face and hair.


I've seen this requested before, but as part of a big package, and i'm only interested in this one, as i'ld prefer to have a unenchanted headband i could tailor to my needs, so i can look at the actors head without any ugly helmet in between.


I haven't found something like this on this site, If you've seen it here or elsewhere,

please direct me to the mod in question, thank you ^_^!

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Not currently possible due to how helmets are associated with the hair slot, so putting one on would make you bald. It could be assigned to another slot, but since there aren't very many, and most of them are needed for for usual stuff, this would be a problem. Alternativly, you would need to make a copy of that headband with every type of hair, and some way of changing the item based on their hair.
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