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Armour Mod Kits


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Fallout 3 has some really cool looking armours, but a lot of them are very quickly become obsolete, or they aren't practical to begin with. My hope is that a mod like this will enable people to use whatever armours they want, not just the armours that have the best stats.




- a kit that raises the DR, and weight, of any armour (increasing an armour's DR means adding armour plates or something similar, so it's weight would increase as well)


- a kit that adds "enchantments" to apparel; low end kits could add one or two +2 to +5 "enchantments", high end kits could add up to four +6 to +10 "enchantments" (one "enchantment" mod per armour)


Those are the only things I can think of, but I suppose they get my idea across.


*** I'd REALLY like it if this mod was FOOK2 compatible, ( I've posted this request on their forum as well ), so if you're willing to made a mod like this PLZ keep this in mind ***

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WMK is completely amazing on it's own.

I'm actually surprised the maker of it didn't make something like this.

Because Armour making is in a whole league of it's own I guess.

I'm new to blender so I couldn't help you out sorry.

But I share your desire.


I too would love to see this!

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Not to toot my own horn and all...but this sorta stuff is gonna be implemented into my mod (and already is in small quantity's). Basically youll be able to tear down armor/weapons/items into their essentials and then using those like ingredients in oblivion...you can create/enhance other items/armors/weapons...that's if i ever finish of course :sweat:
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