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NTW-20 and Lahti L-39


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I've seen some great mods of huge caliber rifles, like Alexscorpion's m82 for one example, but there are two that I feel should be made.


An NTW-20




And a Lahti L-39


http://www.thegunzone.com/people/lahti.html (included for clarity of scale)


I've had this idea for a while, but I'm no modder. I have no idea where to start with this, or even what to do.


The main things I've thought up for this mod would be that the Lahti would weight about 100 pounds by itself, but have massive stopping power, (taking out super mutant masters) but the ammo would be astronomically expensive.


The NTW-20 should be lighter about 40 pounds, but much harder to find or more expensive, as it is scoped, and more accurate.


It may make it (somewhat) more realistic to limit your ability to run while drawn, if this is possible (fose?), or make your character unable to draw them at all while standing, and unable to fire if moving at all.


Since this is my idea and I'm sure others would like it as well, I will provide any assistance I can to anyone who wants to take this on.

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just saying now these are weapons! all the other weapons in the game look like baby toys made by baby's very stupid and the only one that looks like it could do a lot of damage and does is the fat man! but yeah with the weapons you picked there is no way those supermutants can kill us now.
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