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I just finished playing the demo, and I must say it was great! :) I'm look forward to playing the full game. The release date is 8th September.


It is of the same style as the Penumbra series (it's the same developers), survival horror with puzzles. I think the controls work better than in Penumbra, you can for example rotate objects while holding them, and interaction with objects feels a lot smoother than in Penumbra.


The game runs smooth for me in 1440x900 and highest settings, with the exception of SSAO Samples, which I have set to 32, instead of the maximum 128.





The demo is available for download on the official website here: www.amnesiagame.com


What do you think?

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Thanks for saving me the trouble of creating a thread myself. :P


The game sounds awesome and the demo was great, I've been following this ever since it was announced and pre-ordered months ago. Only 4 days left now! :biggrin:


It's been a while since I played a good horror game. Not one that relies on cheap 'BOO!' scares a la Dead Space.


I also really liked the Penumbra games, but I think Amnesia is going to be much better.



You can also download the demo through Steam here.


Also, being an indie title, it's pretty cheap. Currently if you preorder on Steam you get a 20% discount, bringing the price down to €11,99. Even without the discount, 15 euros is nothing.

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I took some screenshots :)

















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I also ordered all the Penumbra game/packs on Steam. I like games that are creepy and atmospheric like this, there's not enough of them. Undying was a good example but they never did make the originally promised sequel.
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I pre-ordered that game! :D

It looks really, scary lol.

The only thing is that, well, I have this impression that there is no plot in that game, you just have to exit that world of madness. But I

shouldn't judge the game now, without trying it! :D

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