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Old School Skills, aka Daggerfall.


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You know how useless it was in daggerfall to speak the language of certain creatures? Well, I got to thinking maybe someone would make a perk tree that when you get to a certain level in that perk tree, certain creatures would be friendly toward you, except you can have them as followers that scale with your level and gain spells. Maybe the perk tree could gain bonuses that strengthen certain races or buff them in stats. Yes, I know there are probably modded spells that let you conjured a monster to be a temperary, but I'd like them to be more than just monsters.



Not only that, but maybe the other skills of daggerfall could be brought into Skyrim too, same goes for the system they had going where Health, Stamina, and Magicka did not regain over time and you had to sleep/rest to regain it back.

Edited by Kolagon
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