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Face Console Command

Priest Caiaphas

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only showracemenu, and showclassmenu. But these tend to revert your skills and stats back to a level 1 state without changing your level back to 1. The chargenamulet mod allows you to change race/class/birthsign without skill loss, however it tends to crash if you're using non-default races/hair/eyes. I'm not aware of any similar mod which works with custom content.
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only showracemenu, and showclassmenu. But these tend to revert your skills and stats back to a level 1 state without changing your level back to 1. The chargenamulet mod allows you to change race/class/birthsign without skill loss, however it tends to crash if you're using non-default races/hair/eyes. I'm not aware of any similar mod which works with custom content.


ok thx for the help

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