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Editing Dialogue


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If I'm understanding everything correctly, when I create a new NPC and want to give him some dialogue, I open the diaglogue window, make sure he's the active one, right click in the topics window and select add. However, the editor won't let me. When I right click, nothing happens. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?





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You don't add the topics to the NPC, you add conditions that would point to that NPC (based on their RefId, faction, race, sex, class, disposition, and many other functions) to the topic you want them to respond to. Then have a way (through quest scripting, or as an action that happens after greeting) so that the topic gets added to the players list of topics. Keep in mind, any other NPC that also meets those conditions will also have that topic.


For instance, all NPCs who are of the thieves guild will have the topic "fines and bounty" available once the player is in the thieves guild. This is because that topic checks for thieves guild affiliation, if they have it, they can respond, if they don't, no topic shows. Within that topic, there are other responses for specific NPCs, those NPCs would use that response instead of the other one because it is higher on the list, and because those more specific conditions apply to them. The fines and bounty topic is added as part of the thieves guild quest, along with other similar topics.


As far as I know, the only way to add new topics is to make a quest, and associate those topics with that quest. This does not mean that you have to make the Player do anything (several "quests" are just used to handle internal functions and dialogue). This only gives you somewhere to put all the scripting and conversation info.

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