durbin Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 OK so I decided to start a new game when I D/L book of erache(spelling I know) This happen before when I started a new game awhile ago with FWE and again the radio stations and DLC didnt load I found there was something wrong with the load order than and I fixed it. Now I cant figure out what is wrong with mine now. Heres my load order, thanks in advance. = Check Mods This is a report on your currently active/merged mods. === Mergeable Following mods are active, but could be merged into the bashed patch. * Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp === Active Mod Files: * 00 fallout3.esm * 01 anchorage.esm * 02 thepitt.esm * 03 brokensteel.esm * 04 pointlookout.esm * 05 zeta.esm * 06 hairpack.esm * 07 craft.esm * 08 calibr.esm [Version 1.4] * 09 xcalibr.esm * 0A project beauty.esm * 0B xcalibruniverse.esm * 0C 20th century weapons.esm * 0D arefuexpandedbyazar.esm * 0E comm.esm * 0F vault 101 revisited.esm * 10 theinstitute.esm * 11 sshop.esm * 12 fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm * 13 mart's mutant mod.esm * 14 fnnsys.esm * 15 companion core.esm * 16 robco certified v2.esm * 17 enhanced weather - rain and snow.esm * 18 xepha's dynamic weather.esm * 19 globaltravelsystem.esm * 1A gtsessentials.esm * 1B rts nw.esm * 1C rrcompanionvault.esm * 1D rrguards.esm * 1E rr5morefemales.esm * 1F amywong.esm * 20 brookecompanion.esm * 21 mothership crew.esm * 22 tsc air support.esm * 23 streetlights.esm * 24 dcinteriors_comboedition.esm * 25 seducingwomen.esm * 26 fnncq.esm * 27 darnifieduif3.esp * ** Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp * ** Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp * ++ hair_add_npc.esp * ** BatteriesPlusV1_2.esp * 28 streetlights - wasteland.esp * 29 praiseatom.esp * ++ YearlingsGlasses.esp * 2A casm.esp * 2B craft - activation perk.esp * 2C galaxynewsradio100[m].esp * 2D arefuexpandedbyazar-radio.esp * 2E conelrad 640-1240.esp * 2F existence2.0.esp * 30 upp - pack 1.esp * 31 upp - pack 2.esp * ++ UPP - Original Perks.esp * 32 upp - experience perks.esp * 33 upp - quest perks.esp * ** NotSoFast.esp * 34 heirapparent.esp * 35 intothedeepwoods.esp * 36 plweightadjust.esp * 37 the mantis imperative - mantis.esp * 38 the mantis imperative - jello.esp * 39 megatoncontracts.esp [Version 1.7] * 3A 0rb_bookset1.esp * 3B 0rb_comicpack1.esp * 3C bospatrols.esp * 3D rts nw - volume 1st.esp * 3E rts nw - volume 2nd.esp * 3F rts nw - volume 3rd.esp * 40 blackwolf backpack.esp * 41 blackwolf backpack - vendor script replenish.esp * 42 blank's container backpack (blackwolf backpack plugin).esp * 43 blackwolf backpack - blank's container patch.esp * 44 rr companion vault 20thcw supply.esp * 45 rr_refurbished.esp * 46 shadysands.esp * 47 treasure maps_a fist full of caps.esp * 48 classic fallout weapons beta.esp * 49 driveablemotorcycle.esp * 4A gtspointlookout.esp * 4B gtscomm.esp * ++ Named Wasteland.esp * ++ Named Wastelanders.esp * 4C minihideout.esp * 4D k2_playwearclub.esp * 4E dcinteriors_dlc_collectables.esp * 4F tecvault.esp * 50 playthings.esp * 51 the prisoners.esp * 52 2nd home at tenpennys [engl].esp [Version 0.99] * 53 sshopitems.esp * 54 scavenger world.esp * 55 purewater-verycleanlittlerad-.esp * 56 megaton house and theme overhaul.esp * 57 99+2.esp * 58 fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp * 59 fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp * 5A fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp * 5B fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp * 5C fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp * 5D fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp * 5E fo3 wanderers edition - followers enhanced (brokensteel).esp * ++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp * ++ Return to Shady Sands - FWE weapons rebalance.esp * 5F tailor maid.esp * 60 tailor maid anchorage.esp * 61 tailor maid pitt.esp * 62 tailor maid brokensteel.esp * 63 tailor maid zeta.esp * 64 weaponmodkits.esp * 65 weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp * 66 weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp * 67 weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp * 68 weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp * 69 weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp * 6A weaponmodkits - zeta.esp * 6B reykjavik.esp [Version 0.72b] * 6C asharasbatmanitems.esp * 6D 7_holsterforhandgunsv1_1.esp * 6E glow sticks.esp * 6F solarscorcher.esp * ++ MPammo.esp * ++ VashDeagleV5.esp * 70 arcade'snightwear.esp * 71 Pure_Lust.esp * 72 tattered_suits.esp * 73 pedress.esp * 74 scorpion_queen_type3.esp * 75 gloria armor.esp * 76 napa.esp * 77 ladyoutfit1.esp * 78 ww2uniforms.esp * 79 naouak armors clothes.esp * 7A monster_costumes.esp * 7B azargypsyoutfits.esp * 7C azargypsyoutfits_malika.esp * 7D someclothes.esp * 7E deepeyes.esp * 7F falssexyt3conversions.esp * 80 3efdrg.esp * ** BoSDX.esp * 81 colossus armor.esp * 82 dim type3 conversions.esp * 83 dim type3clothesretail.esp * 84 persona_and_secret.esp * 85 frenchmaid.esp * 86 ghostbodysuitv3.esp * 87 microbikini.esp * 88 yoko'soutfits.esp * 89 kikaiequipment.esp * 8A sunglassescollection.esp * 8B K2Clothes_BrownLeather03.esp * 8C eve.esp * 8D eve operation anchorage.esp * ** EVE - FWE Master Release.esp * ++ EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp * ++ EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp * 8E companion core dlc addon.esp * 8F robco certified v2 mechanist's edition.esp * 90 robco certified v2 zeta addon.esp * 91 s.t.a.l.k.e.r. mod.esp * ** Water Bottles 3000.esp * ++ Deputy Weld and Steel - Badges and Hats.esp * 92 mart's mutant mod.esp * 93 mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp * 94 mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp * 95 mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp * ++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp * 96 mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp * ++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp * 97 mart's mutant mod - zones respawn.esp * ++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp * ** Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp * ** Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp * 98 Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.esp * 99 mmm_rtss_mod.esp * ++ FNNsys - FWE.esp * 9A seduceddlc03.esp * 9B briannacompanion.esp * 9C lucywestcompanion.esp * 9D bittercup_comp.esp * 9E jessicompanion.esp * 9F kelseycompanion.esp [Version 1.3] * A0 dcp.esp * A1 follower amata ultimate.esp * A2 malikathegypsybyazar.esp * A3 amywong - fose.esp * A4 amywong - dlcs.esp * A5 amywong - calibr 1.3.esp * A6 mysteriouswoman_corsetntrousers.esp * A7 enclavecommander.esp * A8 enclavecommander-oa.esp * A9 cri-squad-new.esp * AA tsc air support.esp * AB 1pipboypda.esp * AC teddybear_brothers.esp * AD raidermercenaryexpanded.esp * ++ Fellout-pipboylight.esp * AE enhanced weather - rain and snow in fallout.esp * AF enhanced weather - weather sounds in interiors.esp * B0 enhanced weather - sneak bonus during storms.esp * B1 fellout-full.esp * ++ Fellout-Anchorage.esp * ++ Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp * B2 fellout-pointlookout.esp * B3 fellout-zeta.esp * B4 realistic interior lighting.esp * ** Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp * ** Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp * ** Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp * ** Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp * ** Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp * ** Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp * ** Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp * B5 xepha's dynamic weather - rain.esp * B6 xepha's dynamic weather - sandstorm.esp * B7 xepha's dynamic weather - nighttime sneakboost.esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vendor).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (NPC_Settler).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Vault 101).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (RivetCity).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Raider).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Slaver).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Chinese Ghoul).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (SuperMutant).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Talon_Regulator).esp * ++ 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Brotherhood_Outcast).esp * B8 slaveposes.esp * B9 f3umpaanimation.esp * BA the groovatron.esp * BB sydney follower.esp * ++ Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp * ++ xCALIBR_override_FWE5.esp * ++ xCALIBR_2CW_CP.esp * ++ xCALIBR_2CW_CP_Sorted.esp * ++ FWE(v.5.04)+WMK_weapons_xCALIBRified.esp * ++ FWE+WMKexcalibrified(Anch).esp * ++ FWE+WMKexcalibrified(Pitt).esp * BC Bashed Patch, 0.esp * Delinquent Master: xCALIBRuniverse_ammoLists.esp * BD xcalibruniverse.esp * BE xcalibruniverse_ammolists.esp * ++ xCALIBRuniverse_repairLists.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
durbin Posted September 5, 2010 Author Share Posted September 5, 2010 I started it with alternate start and it works. But its like fose stops working after exiting the vault on regular start whats the deal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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