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Danwoods FCOM SUPERPACK - Post your thoughts


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  • 1 month later...

Recommended Mods to add on top of Danwood's Superpack


Here are the mods I have added. Short of quest mods I think I have finally installed every mod I want.


Ambient Town Sounds Edited

Better Cities

Brighter Drop Lit Torch

Combat Optimizer

Cyrodil Transportation Network

Deadly Reflex

Enhanced Weather

Indoor Weather Sounds


Let the people Drink

Menu Escape

More Immersive Sounds Editied

Persuasion Overhaul

Put it in its Place

Reapers Adjustable Oil Lamp

Roleplaying Dialogues

Saddle Bag

Storage Sacks

Symphony of Violence


Italic ones are my personal favorites because they each made me say WOW! when I tried them.


one my my favorites is weather sounds when inside buildings... really wonderful! Such continuity in game.


Other than any major developments this is my last update for a while. Once I have 100 + game hours I will post my experience. Thanks again to Danwood and all his hard work!


What was your method of installing these additional mods? Did you run into any problems? Especially with Better Cities?

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  • 1 month later...

I would also like to know this question. I've been looking into installing Deadly Reflexes, Better Cities, and Cyrodiil Transportation Network, but after such hardships with mod conflicts, I don't feel like spending another month testing and configuring. Just curious if there's a simple list of files to move versus files to leave behind, so as to not conflict with FCOM and the Superpack 4.1.

Thanks very much in advance to any help put forth.

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I've checked on google "fcom superpack", and found the main site, recently danwood finished a new version that includes the most recent updates to FCOM, and it's really auto-installing since you don't even need to setup the bashed patch manually, it also includes cleaned esps, pyffied textures and so forth...
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  • 5 months later...

I recently installed Danwood's FCOM Superpack. His newest (and last) version was amazingly simple and very stable. He got a lot of grief from the modding community for creating this pack but I hope they will change their attitude going forward. It is important to give credit where credit is due but these packs are great for the community and it's what the gaming community wants - a simple and stable install that improves the vanilla version of the game. How great it would be if people had a selection of mod packs to choose from, each with a different flavor/focus.


Ideally, the pack creator will keep the pack updated as updated versions of the mods come out (as Danwood has done) but so what if the mods get outdated.... so long as the install is stable, the game experience is improved and the community can enjoy all of the great work that the modders have done.


Thank you to all of the modders and to Danwood for all of the time and effort you have put towards making Oblivion a better game!

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This is my review of FCOM Superpack version 5.3.0. (Version 6 was just released)


NOTE: I installed QTP3 before installing the FCOM Superpack but haven't changed anything else.


Ease of installation: 10/10!!! Installing 126+ mods correctly with one click is incredible!!! I wish there were more Easy-to-Install-Superpacks like this. Thank you Danwood!!!!

Graphics: 7.5/10 with QTP3 installed. Danwood made a concerted effort to insure that the game would run well on a mid-range machine. 10/10 is possible if you have the hardware and time. Watch video example.

Stability: 9/10 - This is why you should download the FCOM Superpack. Without a Superpack, only hardcore veterans could play such a heavily modded Oblivion with this level of stability.

Gameplay: 8/10 - 126+ mods plus countless custom settings have been combined to greatly improve Vanilla Oblivion.


FCOM is not a cakewalk and the default settings of Danwood's Superpack could best be characaterized as "Hardcore Realism". (he plans to release a patch option that would make some game elements less hardcore)


Eating, drinking and sleeping are a great addition! Danwood slowed down the timerate perfectly and removed all of the visual indicators so the requirements are not intrusive but rather they are welcome distractions that add to the immersion.


The dungeons are much darker than Vanilla! It's more fun and realistic that way but I find myself wishing that my torch would illuminate further. I may try adding "Brighter Drop Lit Torch" but I'm going to tough it out a while longer and see if I get used to it. :)


Combat - Opponents are DIFFICULT! I love that the world is not tailored to be easy for me. You will need to run away from encounters often in the beginning and you'll want to stick close to the main roads for protection. I love the "Yell for help!" button. (I've needed it many times). In the beginning, if you meet someone in a dungeon wearing heavy armor, you're probably going to get your ass kicked. To be honest, I think the games starts you out a little too weak and frail but I should get stronger in time.


Compass and Maps - In 5.3.0, there is no compass and the large map is blank. There is no "You Are Here" arrow and no quest markers to show you where to go. These were omitted for realism but I liked having them so I put them back in. Players can easily change the settings. Click here to see how.


Prices - I love that magic items are rare and very costly. FCOM improves realism but one could characterize Danwood's Superpack as "hardcore realism". Personally, I felt like the merchants were taking me for a ride with the economy settings in 5.3.0 so I altered mine to get better prices and to buy stuff a little cheaper. Read this thread to see how.


Overall, if you like realism in a game, I HIGHLY recommend installing the FCOM Superpack. The modders have done a great job of improving Oblivion and Danwood's careful selection of mods and setting choices provide a very fun and stable game experience with minimal muss and fuss. :)


I hope the modding community changes its opinion about mod packs. I would love to eventually have a varied selection of good, self-installing modpacks for Skyrim. Ideally, the authors will keep their modpacks updated but, even if they don't, I'd rather play a stable modpack with outdated mods than spend a week installing and troubleshooting mods in search of a stable installation.

Edited by Ka3m0n
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  • 9 months later...

FCOM Superpack? Who supports it?

The question has to be raised - IS IT OFFICIAL? And if not why is even being debated here?

I'm quite certain TEAM FCOM would never allow this type of compilation pack, nor would several other modders whose works are included without their consent.

That apart it's way out of date. Version 1.00 of FCOM is available on TES Alliance along with new versions of OOO and MMM plus vital updates to the various FCOM support modules.

Edited by Ozowa
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  • 9 months later...

ok so does anyone pay attention to this thread?


just in case:

the fcom super pack 6.42 is out, there is word of a version 7 comming out... wich is great

exceptional pack, easily installs the dreadfoul FCOM convergance and all...



I simply do not need (or want) all those mods that come with it, I have NMM and OMM to handle all my mods via OMODs and stuff and I DONT want to extract content directly into my data folder with no backups and insurances... Some other guys (both online and my firends back home) want the easy FCOM install, but would rather choose their own mods, so

PLEASE, I beg you, can anyone (with authors premission) disinclude the mods from the installation, leaving onyl FCOM mods AND their addons (there are alot)?

I simply cannot install the manual FCOM for myself + a couple of friends (who have no modding knowlidge whatsoever)


If someone can tell me how i can open/alter the setup program (if possible) i would appiriciate that too

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