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FCOM Crashes @ Load Screen


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I've gotten FCOM installed, followed everything, BOSS, all that. Game runs great and I can "coc" to wherever, but the minute the game pulls up a loading screen it crashes. I've even taken out the autosave from ini file. So I'm kindof at a loss, love how everything's working, I just can't move from one place to another or fast travel. I don't have any of the unofficial patches installed, should I do that?
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Yes, the Unofficial Patch is actually an implicit requirement as far as I know. Unfortunately you'll have to reinstall everything since UOP should be the first thing you install. This isn't a problem if you used BAIN, as you can just anneal all after installing it.


Have you updated your DistantLOD with TES4LODGen? This "shouldn't" be causing crashes, but this actually helped me before when the game would crash exiting the sewers.

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