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Fallout 3 Inquisition


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(This is my first Forum Post, so sorry if I do something incorrectly :D )


I always wanted a Controllable faction, similar to M.E.R.C 2 or T.S.C, but something more like the Inquisition in Dragon Age 3. I can't mod, but always wanted to give ideas for a background or history. I was hoping the history of this mod was similar to this-


"In the years before the Resource Wars and the disbanding of the United Nations, a bill was passed. If the Earth is in so much chaos, and humanity continually fought and caused bloodshed, while no one stepped up to the plate to help Earth's inhabitants, a military was to rise up. This military, called the Inquisition, was to ensure peace, order, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


You have to do individual quests in Tenpenny Tower, Rivet City, and Megaton (Optional: The Citadel) in order to form the Inquisition. There will be recruitment quests, quests to establish bases, quests to rebuild, etc. I also would level the NPCs so you have to be higher than level 10, or else it would be impossibly hard to continue all the quests.

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