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[Immersive] Trainer Overhaul


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Trainers, Gold for stats.... Boring.


Imagine, you asked Aela to train you in archery and instead of a dialog option she took you to the training quarters at jarvaskor, you handed over the gold and she gave lessons. She has a lot of vanilla scripting to support these types of interactions so many of these could be voiced.


You take aim at the target fire off a few rounds, screen fades out some time passes screen fades in. She gives you a compliment you rank up.


Blocking, you actually have to block etc etc Just overall depth.


So Basic rules of the overhaul.

Each level of training can only be done once every few days, to give the immersion your letting what you learned soak in.

You can only achieve rank 5 in one skill from each category. Breaking them into 3 class based categories like perkus maxmus. (Maybe I should post a link on the cult page to get a few of those try hard to look at this. Offer them virgins if they complete it to satisfaction. :wink: lol )


Rank 1 Training

-- Basic training that requires actually doing what your training in. x1 level up plus accumulated exp while learning


Rank 2

-- Advanced form IE Blocking requires doing 10 well timed blocks/parries x1 level up plus accumulated exp while learning


Rank 3

-- Quest related training going IE Archery leaving whiterun to go to hunting grounds hitting move targets collecting 10 deer pelts (1.5 skill level up. Plus 1x5 exp multiplier during quest in isolated location, leaving area removes buff and restarts quest.)


Rank 4

-- Very hard training requirements Like combo training IE Sneak requires you to sneak past the khajiits trainer and friends to steal something. Detection means you start over. PROGRESSIVELY raising the skill by x2 multiplier as you do it, and an automatic x2 level up upon completion)

Blocking could be like a well timed block followed up with a bash, then followed by bashing during a power strike and interrupting it. Making it feel like your actually training to use in game mechanics properly. Archery could be combat training against a melee wielding opponent making use of the bash and rapid fire techniques.


Rank 5

--Very rigorous training quest related that unlocks a new minor power

Show mastery by competing with the training in some regard and doing better then them or some achieve some crazy feat. One handed training could be defeat the trainer in a duel, lock picking could be picking a master lock in 2 seconds or less without breaking the pick. etc etc Completion offers x5 rank level up AND a lesser power.


One Handed, Passive

Disarm, You've mastered the use of quick weapons and strikes. In combat your skill is rarely matched and enemies can't keep up with your flurries.

Small % chance with every melee swing you will disarm your enemy.


Two Handed, Passive

Rend, Power Strikes against a blocking enemy have a small % chance to destroy the blocking equipment completely.


Archery, Minor power used once an hour

Ankle Shot, Your training led you to conclusion some enemies require more thought and a second arrow to take down. You've devised a skill to keep them at bay.

Your next arrow has a 100% chance to immobilize the enemy, and causes stagger for 4 seconds.


Block, Passive

Blocking comes naturally enemies can't break your defensive posture no matter what they attempt, and your timed power bashes place an enemy in a daze.

You cannot be staggered while blocking, and when you power bash you during a power strike you completely daze the enemy.


Light Armor, Minor Power

Counter Strike, once a day lasts for 30 seconds

Be nimble, be quick, strike hard. Your lessons taught you one thing about light armor and it's advantageous. It's meant for aid in dodging would be fatal attacks allowing them glance off so you can do counter attack when they leave an opening.

You take no damage from enemy power attacks, each time you "dodge a power attack" your next attack deals 200% damage


Heavy armor, Passive

Unstoppable Force

Through training I've learned how to use my heavy armor in the most effective way during combat. While my armor serves to protect me, I still know it's limits and how to use it's weight to throw enemies off their feet.

Sprinting into an enemy causes a knock down effect (This works on all npcs and is not treated as a hostile act even though is does a slight amount of damage.)


Sneak: Lesser Power

Shadow Magic:

Beware the shadows, for many things lurk.

For 20 seconds you summon 3 shadow warriors of yourself to fight along side you. The disappear randomly in combat and reappear doing massive amounts of damage while you yourself cannot be teleport in the shadows with each attack Dealing massive critical damage.

Making use of this mods quick step for you and the npcs using it.



Lock picking/Dexterity, passive

Snatch and grab and Magic Touch

My times with the thieves guild taught me many things, no lock can keep me out and pick pocketing is all about distraction.

No longer active lock picking, activation unlocks object immediately as long as you have the skeleton key,

Second ability Sprinting into people unlocks snatch and grab and activates pick pocketing you have 100% chance to steal Anything in the inventory this doesn't work against hostile npcs.


Destrution, One a day power for 30 seconds

Mana Tap:

I've learned the deepest secrets of magicka and can tap into the very source of magic.

Magicka damage is increased by 100% and costs no mana.


Alteration: Spell


The world is my playground I am master of all things I touch and see. My strike fear into the hearts of all living things, well except dragons.

Master level spell turns all hostile npcs/creatures in cast range into harmless animals for a period of time and fears them indefinitely. IE: Humans into chickens, goats. Bears and spiders into foxes and deers. Trolls into bunnies etc etc


Restoration: Spell


Combined with the power in trapped soul gem I can summon a soul back from the dead.

With use of a black or grand soul gem you can cast a spell depleting all your magica as well and revive an any npc that recently died. (just like console resurrect) but with pretty animations and sounds.


Illusion: Lesser Power One a day for thirty seconds

Time Shift: Perception is reality, even time bends to me.

Freezes time around you for thirty seconds, allowing you to move freely.


Alchemy: Passive

Philosophers Stone

Now that I have the philosophers stone and the white vial anything is possible.

Crafting a potion with the white vial and philosopher stone creates a limitless version of any known potion previously created by the player.



Aegis Crafting

Through sweet and blood I've devised a new way to craft armor with dragon bones. If I crush them into a fine powder using the legendary Mjollnir I can merge them with melts into the smelter turning regular steel, silver ignots and the power of grand soul gem I can create living armor... Mythril.


Unlocks mytril crafting recipies at new forge somewhere in skyrim on some mountian somewhere lol. A new heavy armor/weapon set with the Elvish armor weight, and teir 11 armor. (tier 10 would be dragon scale. Or is it dadreic. I don't recall.)


Wayfarer (Perma compatibility patch) Passive

Inner Spirt

I've traveled high and low and seen much, still there is more to see. I have wisdom of each and every living creature in skyrim, my deeper understanding has not only changed the way I view the world but in turn how the world views me.

All nostile npcs creatures except dragons do no initiate combat with you and give you a large distance if they detect you. Hostile humanoid races often times just run away instead of doing combat with you. (lesser bandits, wizards etc.) This does not affect drager, the dead fear nothing.







That was a lot of writing lol.

This mod would require SKSE for the advanced scripting (which would be a lot.)

-Voice files for custom dialogue options, effects and enchantments, keywords and flags.

***{Optional Perkus Maximus}*** Though highly recommended.

A custom armor mesh and texture and compatibility files for popular body mods.

Custom locations for certain quest related training, maybe even voice actors.


While this is a very thought out IDEA, whats written here would just be the tip of the iceberg and would require a team to put it together.

- - I would need someone willing to script the whole thing. IE retrieving voice files. Compiling dialogues, setting quests stages and markers to fit requirements.

- - Someone to create world objects and environments. Probably new dungeons, isolated world involvements. IE taking the field in white-run and creating a cell out of it. Where it has a 360 degree border. IT looks and feels like the world map, but it's not it's an isolated Cell like any other dungeon. and when you leave it, your teleported to a set location back in field on the world map. Giving us a solid control over quest development and quest stage progression.

- - Someone to build the custom armor/weapon mesh and textures which would have to be amazing/lore friendly.

- - And lastly me, to oversee the whole process and create workflows for the team.


Even still building the whole things requires some decent amount of planning. Most of these posts get looked over, but maybe just maybe someone will say ooooh.. I wanna be a part of this.


- - And lastly beta testers who would be willing to scrub their entire modded skyrim for vanilla testing and then compatibility testing with other mods.3

3-4 month project probably at a leisure like pace. Who wants in?


Honestly: A thought occurred to me that these could actually be placed in the perk trees themselves, and would show up as Isolated "???" mystery perks. "Unlock through training." Each 1-5 unlocked a portion of the perk. 1/5/, 2/5 etc etc until 5/5 unlocks the perk completely. Oooooh immersion so much fun.

Edited by Jayw21
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