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red punctuation marks


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hi im some what new at modding,i have the caliber,xcaliber, and the weapon shop that requires those and the requirements that they tell me i need. so i was wondering why when i load up my game i go into the shop and i see the red puctuation marks everywhere. i mean i know what the are i just dont know why i get them.


Requirements and Masters:


The following MUST be installed for xCALIBR munitions to function

Follow the links below to download these files.

Read the instructions CAREFULLY and install.


Fallout v1.7 or GOTY edition

Community Ammunition Library - CALIBR Version 1.3 released 2009/09/13

eXcalibr Ammo Pack v2.2 or higher

Archive Invalidate Invalidated or FOMM (toggle invalidate button)

Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) required for FOSEnhancements weapons scripts.


the only thing im not sure about is the FOSE. i downloaded it read the readme and installed acording to that but still the marks.

please help all my other mods work fine.


p.s. does anyone know why my g.e.c.k. doesnt want to work i tried like 4 time andeach time it stops responding.

i have a vista that im running all this from if that helps.

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Did you install Fallout in the default? (eg Program Files) If so you need to give Vista permission to access it. I never install games into the default place because of that issue.


Are you sure you installed the mod into the right place? Did you use FOMM to install it all?


Did you do the archive invalidation? The reason for the red punctuation marks is usually missing meshes/textures, that is the game can't find them. Archive invalidation tells them to look into other places than the default BSAs. Pretty much the most important step to get any mod with textures working.


FOSE is only needed for the in game functionality of things. It has nothing to do with textures found or not.

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