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bidelles makeup studio/face preset install (HELP)


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could someone explain how to properly install/use bidelles make up studio? im not sure if i installed it correctly. i have placed all the contents in my override folder, i managed to get the make up colors to work, but as far as skin tone and the other skin setting. i see no added sets.


also i am wondering how to install a face pre set. it asks me to replace a file name in the xml. but where is the xml to edit


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The file it's most likely asking to replace is the chargenmorphcfg.xml file. If it asks you to overwrite, do it. However, it may not be compatible with hair mods you have. That's why I advise downloading the other chargenmorph on Bidelle's Makeup file page. It's the second one and the description is:


chargenmorphcfg file compatible with Pineappletree, CC, Chargen, More Hairstyles packages. (Updated to current version of all)


That's the chargenmorph you want to use to overwrite. That should allow you to use Bidelle's presets, and the other stuff. Although I'm not totally sure if the chargenmorph provided includes Bidelle's skin files to use in the Dragon Age creator because I use the toolset to make my characters =/

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