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oblivion in overdrive


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I don't know what's wrong. I fast travelled on my horse to a cave, and suddenly everything is moving and animating at atleast 2x the normal speed. I can now ride my horse from imperial city to cheydinhal in less than 2 minutes. can anyone suggest a fix?


yep. but a computer restart may be in order.

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here's another idea:

Are you using OBSE? If so put into console: con_SetIniSetting "fGlobalTimeMultiplier:General" 1.0000

If not using OBSE go to C:\Users\<Your user>\Documents\My Games\Oblivion and open oblivion.ini and modify fGlobalTimeMultiplier. Make it 1.0000


sorry, I'm not using obse at the moment. apparantly, if you pray at a shrine of zenithar with you're horse on top of it, you're horse goes supersonic. the running problem seems to have fixed itself, but my horse won't stop zipping around.

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