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Bug after 'Sancre Tor' Quest


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I have a frustrating problem/bug that persists and ruins the game.


About mid-way through the Sancre Tor Quest to find Tiber Septim's armor, weird stuff started happening: My toon is sometimes surrounded by 'foggy spots' and other weird apparitions that look like snowflakes. Certain things in the game slow right down to snail's pace, like gates/doors opening and magic effects. Flames and other mist type effects in the game also slow right down. The fog effects seem to come and go, while the fire and other stuff like gates seem to be permanent.


Now, this does not stop me playing the game (so far), but is just extremely annoying and slows things right down at certain points. I finished 'Sancre Tor', pressed on with the game and went off to do various other things, hoping that it was temporary and would eventually sort itself out, but it persists.


I have a good video card and checked my frame rates after all this happened. I am still running at around 60fps, which was what I was getting before, so not a card problem.


I have searched around online and have found 1 or 2 other references to it, so I know that my problem is not unique. But, sadly, I can find no solution to fix it.


I am hoping that someone is aware of this issue and might know a solution or fix.


Current Game mods/patches: The only add ons I have at present (or have ever had) are the Official Oblivion patch and the Unofficial patch from this site.





Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Wow! I kept looking around after my initial post, messing around with different search parameters in google, and I think I have found the solution.

It involves quite a few ini changes but I tried it and so far the problems seem to be fixed. I have not played extensively since this fix but will post again when I have played long enough and done the things necessary to be sure it is ok.


Anyone else with the same problem or just slow moving gates/doors etc in general, go to url below and follow ini corrections.




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Thanks for the additional info.

Everything is fine now for me at the moment, but always nice to know just in case.

Also, all good info for anyone else who has the same issue(s).


It seems you are probably right with regard to 'over 200 hrs' bug, there are a few references to it in various forums and the like.

Oblivion really can be annoying. On the one hand; probably the best Role playing game ever (and imo, possibly the best game EVER). But you have to contend with the many other bugs and imperfections that come with it. Here's hoping that if and when ES V appears (please make it so), that they do a much better job of play testing, debugging etc before they release it. Anyway, I'm sure this topic is for another thread, so enough rambling.


Thanks again for the input.

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