Edmania Posted December 9, 2014 Share Posted December 9, 2014 About as much as what can go wrong seems to have gone wrong, except it doesn't CTD I guess. Blackening screens, rainbow triangles, monochrome, some kind of weird thing that makes it look like it was painted over by a bad artist trying to fix the integrity of damaged portraits, black eyes, ALL THE THINGS! flashing all over the place. Weirdest thing is, this doesn't even happen until I exit Understone Keep. I tried to follow the instructions in this video as closely as possible: (Except after the part where they started getting things that weren't the ENB, do I have to get all of those lighting and water mods too to get this to work?) with the exception of how I did modify my VideoMemorySizeMb parameter. I think I may have done some other things differently too but only when the True Vision ENB page specifically told me to in the installation notes, such as using an older version of the files on the ENBdev site. The video memory size thing is what I'm most suspicious about, it's at 9352(tell me if that number looks weird) because my RAM and VRAM put together was 11400 megabytes. But I don't even know if I was supposed to measure in megabytes. I also don't know if I was supposed to use my actual RAM number or the usable RAM number, though I went with the latter since that made more sense to me. I downloaded that ENBoost thing a long while ago too, if those count as ENB files I was supposed to remove or something (I didn't.) I'm using the natural ENB preset and the No SSAO-SSIL(whatever that even means) + No DoF performance option. And if it matters, I'm also running the game with ModOrganizer. Specs:AMD A8-5500 APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics 3.20 GHz7.19 usable RAM (8.00 normally)64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor LOOT log: Skyrim.esmCRC: C665FD56Update.esmCRC: 1FDAB215Add: C.Location, Delev, Invent, RelevUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espCRC: 23BBAC1CVersion: 2.0.7Add: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.LTemplate, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, StatsDawnguard.esmCRC: 31FEA081Add: C.Location, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, SoundWarning: Contains 6 ITM records. Clean with TES5Edit.Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.espCRC: 2F92E911Version: 2.0.7Add: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, StatsHearthFires.esmCRC: F4DDC851Add: C.Location, Graphics, InventUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espCRC: 909C478EVersion: 2.0.7Add: C.Climate, C.Location, C.Owner, Graphics, Invent, Names, SoundDragonborn.esmCRC: A46CA360Add: C.Location, Graphics, Invent, NamesUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espCRC: 697829D7Version: 2.0.7Add: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, StatsClimatesOfTamriel.esmCRC: 918881A7Version: 3.1TKChildren.esmCRC: CA34A682RaceCompatibility.esmCRC: 1E8C087FVersion: 1.60aSGHairPackBase.esmCRC: 50A31397TERAArmors.esmCRC: 21AC1D97XFLMain.esmCRC: DFF50E3BNote: For safe mod uninstall see special uninstallation instructions on mod page.HighResTexturePack01.espCRC: D596F02AHighResTexturePack02.espCRC: D596F02AHighResTexturePack03.espCRC: D596F02AUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espCRC: 7EBC542Version: 1.1.9Bethesda_Hi-Res_Optimized.espCRC: 81681452JaxonzEnhGrab.espCRC: 90B27C0AFurther Dark Dungeons for ENB.espCRC: A64545AFVersion: 1.08CharacterMakingExtender.espCRC: DA75AC94Craftable and Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls .espCRC: 3684438DEpic Music Overhaul.espCRC: 60DFE1D3Civil War Overhaul.espCRC: 8A25BC5CBetter Rune Master Perk.espCRC: D6D94F79XFLDialogue.espCRC: 156E0D2AClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espCRC: 9FFF2A85Version: 3.1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espCRC: 6DEDE258Version: 3.1XFLPlugins.espCRC: F979117B12FemaleBrows.espCRC: EEABCE2BClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.espCRC: 75A1B6EAVersion: 3.1Convenient Horses.espCRC: A2C92D5CVersion: 14950Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.RevampedExteriorFog.espCRC: C2B2BCF1ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound-Dawnguard-Patch.espCRC: DA95740ETKChildren_DB.espCRC: 3595E6EAExplosiveBoltsVisualized.espCRC: C730D9F6EnhancedCharacterEdit.espCRC: 50203557Fudou Myouou.espCRC: 55F0BB2A360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.espCRC: B2AF9437Version: 205.25.Insects Begone - Hearthfires.espCRC: 5042FDDAEoGeom.espCRC: D3756397FS_Ygrayne.espCRC: F82DB7FFFacelight.espCRC: 64322553Insects Begone - DragonBorn Spiders and Ashoppers.espCRC: F974E7BFInsects Begone - Spiders and Chaurus.espCRC: B49B7235Insects Begone - Dawnguard - Spiders and Chaurus.espCRC: 27FB28More Hair Colors Dawnguard.espCRC: DAA76155Proper Aiming.espCRC: 4800E883ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espCRC: B61E85AEVersion: 3.1-Inigo.espCRC: 4321049DWarning: Contains 39 ITM records. Clean with TES5Edit.ACE Archery.espCRC: 36C49A86Add: RelevImmersive Patrols Merged All.espCRC: 6FCFEB0BMilk.espCRC: A2364648AK- Alternate Actors.espCRC: 7D4298F5Version: 1.2ACE Melee.espCRC: 8D1FC5EFACE Smithing.espCRC: 52A3A325SmartCast_1_0.espCRC: DCC37481Version: 1.0Realistic Wildlife Loot - Reduced.espCRC: 297092B7Add: Delev, RelevNote: Use only one Realistic Wildlife Loot - *.esp.SGHairPackAIO.espCRC: B5571BE8Serenity - Crew Edition.espCRC: E3EDE8FEACE Armor.espCRC: 7D73B6F9DragonCombatOverhaul.espCRC: 6ADCB14BACE Speech.espCRC: 34BEA53FDwarvenAutomobile.espCRC: FA21D424Hermit.espCRC: 9C2AF637Version: 3.5SkyUI.espCRC: 9330CAF7Version: 4.1TKChildren_HF.espCRC: 4473F9C3TKChildren_V.espCRC: 8058B6AAVelvetRobesandCloaks.espCRC: AAB9D419VioLens.espCRC: DCF80285Version: 1.11iNeed.espCRC: BB3EE2F0Version: 1.12ACE Synergy.espCRC: 9146F25FACE BYOG.espCRC: 9E60F2C6ACE Magic.espCRC: 7F590038ACE Realistic Fighting.espCRC: 12EB4458 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mescalit Posted December 10, 2014 Share Posted December 10, 2014 Well, whole ENB-series system is based & tested on nVidia cards and just few months ago ENB-Team included some commands for ATI cards, but I don't even imagine if they are functional! Since ENB is the way to coordinate Videocard, only ENB-Team members can help & give the right answers, I think! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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