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the journey of a hero


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I was merely providing constructive criticism to try enhance your writing technique. But yes, by no means do you have to follow it. It was all just suggestions. I'm not trying to say that you're bad; I'm just trying to give my opinion. I could have easily just breezed by this topic, but I didn't. You can't expect to post something such as this and receive only positive feedback. Don't be rude about it.
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to adress the comments

he walked because he hurt

i will post it in each post, but i will add it to the second post

i have bad typing grammer

i have a reason for it being in third person



Calliton awoke to screams. Screams of men. Screams of women, even some children. Some screams were of pain and agony.. others of empty joy. But a serruptitous sound was under it all, a sort of grumbling. He couldn't open his eyes, or maybe they were open and everything was black, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he couldn't see... and that frightened him like nothing else could.


The screaming fadded, and Calliton thought he could see something, a light. he stood up, realizing his sword was still clutched in his hand. "Klantang" he whispered as he adjusted his grip. Upon taking a step, he also realized he was no longer injured, "what kind of sorcery is this... to heal a man after he dies..." he started to walk towards the light, Klantang at the ready

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