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Couple of questions


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Firstly, does anyone know what's happened to planetelderscrolls? Only asking because it seems to be the only place where several mods where hosted (the model replacers for vivec and azura to name a couple). Has the site just been down for some time with no one noticing and fixing it? Or has it been shutdown?


Secondly, does anyone know of a fix for glass bacers? They are aligned completely wrong with the player model causing your hands to appear horribly mangled. This is a problem in completely fresh, mod-free morrowind so i can't be the only person to have noticed it (its REALLY bad; completely takes me out of the game http://i.imgur.com/5J5RzFQ.jpg). I tried looking for a solution last time I played morrowind (year and a half ago?), but had no luck, so I suppose my hopes aren't high for this one.

I did try pulling the glass bracer model from this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42509/? , as the screen shot shows, it tries to correct this problem (its for BB, but I was hoping it would help a bit either way). Renaming it and placing it in the normal armor mesh folder in order to replace the default model (Meshes/a/a_glass_bracers_w.nif, even tried tried changing the _gnd model just in case) didn't seem to do anything; so does the glass bracer have a different model hiding somewhere?

Idk, I've just been trying to find a solution to this problem for so long, someone out there has to have something.

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