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CM Vampire problem...


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Ok...so i have the CM Partners 2.0...it works absolutely perfectly: except when i try to create a Partner. I have tried everything i can think of...to make a Vampire Partner, that is. Is it possible? Is there some secret way to do this? Everything i try either crashes Oblivion, makes them headless, makes them perma-naked, or makes them just look like a vampire with no special abilities...if anyone could help, it would GREATLY apreciated... :biggrin:
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I'm not sure if this would work since I haven't tried it myself, but you could possibily give your CM Companion the Porphyric Hemophilia disease (the one that changes you into a Vampire after 3 days). Or if you had COBL races (comes with the COBL download), you could load it into your mod (by File -> Data then checking the COBL master file and the COBL races plugin) that adds in the extra races and selecting the VampireRace in the race list of your companion (though I don't know if doing it this way would add the Vampire special abilities). The latter is what I've done for my companion, while she doesn't have a race from COBL races, she has hair from that plugin (it also adds in eyes and hair as well as races). Like I said, I don't know if it would work for you since I'm not an expert at modding and I haven't tried it myself, but I have done about 3 companions in the past so it might be of some help.
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I DO have COBL races, and it did work...but my partner was perma-naked =/ I also dont think it took sun damage...since her hp never dropped. I tried the Porphyric Hemophilia...but i only gave it 5 minutes to work...i will try the 3 day wait, and hope it works. Thanks for the info! =D
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