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Uninstalling mods/DLCs


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Apologies (DA newbie here) if this is a silly question , but... are there any repercussions to uninstalling mods/DLCs that save games depend on?


I had a few DLCs installed while playing the OC, but had never actually started playing the DLCs themselves. After I deleted a couple of them, I got an error message when loading a save game, with a "force load" option. I force loaded and played a few hours so far and all seems well, but I was wondering if I might have problems down the road. Any ideas on this?


Thank you!

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While there are a few mods that can cause real problems if they are uninstalled, (I'm lookin' at you, "Improved Atmosphere") they are the exception.


The vast majority, and (I believe) all the official DLC, can be removed and your prior saves "forceloaded" just fine.

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