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Washable Blood Request


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What I would love to see, is a touch of realism when it comes to blood stains. We all know with allmost, if not, everything in Skyrim, blood stains just... fade away, especially on dead bodies. I'd like to see a mod that makes blood stains STAY visible, UNTIL you submerge yourself in water, and as for blood on inanimate objects, fade away when it rains.


If anything, creatures, NPC's, dead bodies, and the player characters aught to HAVE to find water to wash off, or it could be implied they washed up after midnight, by which the stains could be allowed to fade... except for dead bodies, that can't wash themselves, lest it rains on them, or you yourself drag them into a river.


Let me know what'cha all think? =^_^=

Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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