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Looking for advice on a personal mod


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Before I type anything, let me re-inforce that this is for a PERSONAL mod to an existing mod for my PERSONAL game. I will not be releasing this to the Nexus as I'd need the permission of the mod author...and besides, I'm WAY too noob a modder to even consider releasing this, as I'm doing it for my own peace of mind. Thanks.


That said, I'm looking for a little advice. When you get and install the BEYOND FANTASTIC "RH_IronSights" mod you mainly get it for the iron-sighting of the various weapons of the game. Well, the mod also adds many weapons of it's own...the .556 Sidewinder Revolver, the 5MM TMP, and the Combat Rifle, just to name a few. I like the guns...but found them to be underpowered for the FWE game I am playing. I've been going in with FO3Edit and bumping up the various guns for myself, but hit a snag at the Flamer Pistol...let me explain.


For example, the .556 Sidewinder Pistol is essentially a .44 Magnum the fires .556 bullets, so I made the damage similar to that...the Combat Rifle is essentially an automatic rifle, so I put it somewhere in between the American and Chinese Assault Rifles...you get my meaning. Well, with the Flamer Pistol, there's nothing in the game to compare it to. I'm uncertain at where the damage of a Flamer Pistol "should" be. :/ At the moment, I've made it half as powerful as a standard flamer, as it's hand held, more compact. I'm just not sure that line of thinking is correct...would a handheld flamer have half as much damage as a full sized one? Just because it's smaller, would it have the same "oomph" as a full sized Flamer?



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