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Vampire Sun Effects


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so i know there's belua out there that adds a skin burning effect when in the sun, which i like. also i've seen other mods that when hoods or cloaks it removes the negative effects you get, which i also like


belua does too much for me and is too old so i will be avoiding that. i've seen other mods that add a visual effects for vampire when in the sun, but for the life of me, i cannot find them


so what i want is when my vampire goes out in the sun naked, i want her to burn for her foolishness. but then i would like to be able to equip a veil and cloak, which stops the burning. also if it could take weather into account too that would be awesome. like sunny days decrease health faster than cloudy ones


so something like this

sunny @ 1pm with no hood would do 50 damage to health per second and the skin literally almost catches fire, then with a hood it'd be 10 d/s with a less a burn effect (you know, cuz its still so bright out, those clothes wont save you)

(or) cloudy @ 11am with a hood would do no damage but no regeneration as well (and no burn visual effect)


my experience in modding is quite lacking, especially anything involving where i would have to make a visual effect. change a few strings of code, that i can do. so if even no one knows of a mod where these aspects dont play nice with one another, perhaps with some permissions from the mod authors maybe i can make one that does. and post it here, if thats something you'd be interested in


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