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Crash at splash screen


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C0000005 is a buffer overflow. This will happen inevitably the longer you play. The less plugins you use, the longer you can go before this happens. You can try to prevent this by using Oblivion Stutter Remover and its heap replacement feature, or enabling the large address aware flag in Oblivion.exe.


You DO NOT need to install somewhere else. To disable UAC for Oblivion, right-click the Oblivion folder, click Properties, select the Security tab, click Edit, select Users from the top list box, check Full control in the bottom list box, and apply these settings. Make sure you have nothing in the Oblivion folder open when you do this, or else it won't apply the new permissions.

...Sorry for quoting myself.

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There are several programs that do this, but this is the one I use.


Open "sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini," find these lines and change them to my suggested values:


bReplaceHeap = 1

iHeapAlgorithm = 5

iHeapSize = 1024 (change to 25% of your physical RAM if you have less or more than 4GB)

bAllowDynamicResizing = 1


Open your "Oblivion.ini," find these lines and change them to my suggested values:


iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400 (change to 2x value with more than 30 mods, 3x value with FCOM, 4x value with QTP3, 7x value with all the aforementioned)




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