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Missing Gauss Rifle mesh/texture. Help!


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I'm new to the forums so I apologize in advance for any ignorance. This is a small issue that I have which I owe to mod incompatibility. There are only a few mods of my many installed ones that would cause the missing mesh/texture aka " ! ". I narrow them down to wep retexture project(wrp), project nevada, weapon mods expanded (wmx) and possibly some other misc. such as wep mod menu. I have every compatibility patch available and also use fnv edit/loot to ensure a proper load order which as of now works perfectly but i cant get this damn mesh/texture to appear. Any input would be appreciated.


extra: the missing mesh/texture affects all variants of the gauss (ycs/168). Ive tried many different commands and despite reviving the mesh by attaching some mods to the rifle, the texture is messed up :(

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