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Ship in a bottle...


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Anyone know of a way to make the glass less reflective on the globe like in the pics below? Makes seeing inside a wee bit difficult.





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Have you tried darkening the glow map?

or maybe try to check its texture to see if you'll find the problem?


if you dont know what the hell i'm talking about, read this part :




ok, does the ball's texture contain a "_g.dds" as well as a simple ".dds" (E.G. = Balltexture.dds AND Balltexture_g.dds)?

those tell the game what parts of your texture should glow (be seen in the dark).


it's pretty easy to manipulate that, if you have some way of modifying .dds files.


if you don't, here's the link.



pick the plugin/software that suits you, then open the _g.dds file.

you'll pretty much see a dark scene with colored/white spots. those represent the areas where (on the texture) it glows.

you can just make those darker. that will make them glow less (those white spots on your ball will be gone.) . :D Yay.


if it does not contain a _g.dds file, just open up the main .dds file, and see if the glows are there to remove.




...i'm too freaking lazy to see if your texture has a _g.dds :confused:

sorry. :biggrin:

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Have you tried darkening the glow map?

or maybe try to check its texture to see if you'll find the problem?


if you dont know what the hell i'm talking about, read this part :

> snip <


Nope ;p Glowmaps make things glow.

This is a material setting - open up the ball in nifskope and play around with the material a little, its one of the sliders on the bottom of the material screen (srry, cant renember exact name)

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