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Brightness keeps returning to default


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After reinstalling Windows and Oblivion (again) I fount that I now cannot set the brightness parameter. It does adjest when I am in game, but when I quit Oblivion and restart it, it always returns to the default level. Please help.


Also, if I try to load a save tthat is older that the one I am currently playing, I keep getting a message "Runtime environment encountered an error", then the game crashes. If I restart Oblivion and just select an easrlier save straight off, it loads normally. That was the reason why I reinstalled Windows to be hnest - I thought it would get rid of it. Could the problem be with the save file?


Thanks for all help!

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The game is crashing - it never closed down properly ever since I first installed it - when I pressed quite it charshes and offered me to "send report", but it didn't matterbecause I wanted to quit anyway. It never crashed all the time when I don't want it to, until now.
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