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Dual Graphics Card on Laptop - is there a solution yet?


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People like me, who play from laptop and have dual graphics cards had a lot of issues with skyrim. I for one have an Intel HD 4400 graphics card and a AMD Radeon HD 8850M card. In skyrim's launcher I was only able to select the Intel driver, therefore the game used the Intel card which resulted in an average of 5-10 FPS. When updating my AMD driver, the game recognized the card, but everything became white and only the characters were black - the FPS problem was fixed but some kind of contrast issue came up. I tried to change everything in the video settings but nothing helped. And my laptop cannot go into sleep mode with the updated AMD driver (AMD never again). So please don't ask me to update it.


Has there been a mod made for us, dual card users? I know that many of us use intel + nvidia and struggle with the same issue as me. I tried to change everything in .ini files, change skyrim in AMD Catalyst Control Centre to "High Performance" etc. After 3 years I really hope that someone came up with something.


Thanks in advance ^^


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Laptops really aren't made for serious gaming. I'd like to help, but I don't believe there is a real solution to this. I've seen this question a few too many times wit hno answer.

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My last laptop was a toshiba satellite with i7 processor and gpu drivers, with an nvidia card in it. It ran skyrim like a charm (unmodded though) Maybe think about switching laptops?

aah the voice of consumerism



but he's right!, you should totally throw that old laptop out the window (careful you don't hit anyone passing by in the head with it) and buy a shiny, new one!... probably a tablet too!...that's only good fpr browsing facebook ...but who cares!, buy buy buy!


oh and while you're at it, get yourself a decent desktop pc...even if it means it will gather dust in your room and leave the laptop for it's inteded purpose ;)

Edited by VileTouch
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Thanks for the answers, but I travel too much for a PC :/ I might build one that is small enough to travel with, like the size of the Alienware X51, but considerably cheaper. If anyone has some useful tips regarding this, I would really appreciate it :)


By the way the laptop I am using is a Dell Inspiron 5537. It's not that old and I think it should run Skyrim smoothly. The problem that I am facing occurred to some people with high-end Nvidia graphics cards, and I've seen a lots of people with this problem. It's the game's inability to recognize that the laptop is using dual graphic cards.

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