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Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) HELP!


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The installation of OBSe is really easy, and very well explained in the readme, but since some people seem to hate readme's , here is your installation process:

1) Copy the dll's and the obse loader .exe to your oblivion folder (the folder at .../bethesda softworks/oblivion, so NOT your data folder) (if you use steam, you copy the obse steam loader)

2) Create a shortcut on your desktop and get it to point to the loader .exe in your data folder

3) doubleclick the new shortcut to launch oblivion with obse

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Ok, I got up to the point that you were talking about Chainsaw, but how do I enable mods that need OBSE to work? (Enchantment Mastery and Supreme Magicka for example)


You simply activate them as normal mods as launch oblivion through the obse launcher ;p

and it's TodaY xD


I suggest you try out OBMM

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Ok, I got up to the point that you were talking about Chainsaw, but how do I enable mods that need OBSE to work? (Enchantment Mastery and Supreme Magicka for example)


You simply activate them as normal mods as launch oblivion through the obse launcher ;p

and it's TodaY xD


I suggest you try out OBMM


Ok, I have both OBMM and OBSE; I still don't see my problem. I am doing exactly as you are telling me. I have followed one of the mods I wanted to download (Enchantment Mastery) instructions to the point.


Once I download it from TESNexus I put it straight into my C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data File and ... still won't show up in the OBMM load-in/left side.


This was my problem from the first place.

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... Ur doing it wrong xD

Simply click create in OBMM and select the packed .rar

Then let it create the omod for a while, and once its done doubleclick the square in your omod list to activate

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You have to make sure the *.dll files are being installed to .\Data\OBSE\plugins\. OBSE will automatically load all files located in this directory. You can check the obse.log file in Oblivion's root directory to see if everything is being loaded correctly.
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BEST NEWS EVER!: Still Malfunctioning!


I have figured out how to download to OBMM but when I click the checkbox on the rightside for the Mods and enter Oblivion through the OBSE loader it won't take effect.


The mods do show on the left side, just not functioning in oblivion. Help!

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Did you look at "obse.log" to see if the plugins are being loaded by OBSE? Supreme Magicka has an .ini file that needs to be in the .\Data\ folder to work. Make sure any other plugin that has an .ini is going in the right place (usually .\Data\, .\Data\Ini\, or .\Data\_tejon).


Here is what my obse.log looks like:


OBSE: initialize (version = 19.1 010201A0)
oblivion root = C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\
plugin directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\CustomSpellIcons.dll
SetOpcodeBase 000025F0
RegisterCommand HasAssignedIcon (25F0)
RegisterCommand OverwriteSpellIcon (25F1)
RegisterCommand SetSpellIcon (25F2)
RegisterCommand ClearSpellIcon (25F3)
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\CustomSpellIcons.dll (00000001 CustomSpellIcons 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Elys_USV.dll
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Elys_USV.dll (00000001 Elys_USV 0000005D) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\FastExit2.dll
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\FastExit2.dll (00000001 FastExit 00000002) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll
SetOpcodeBase 00002330
RegisterCommand GetEsp (2330)
RegisterCommand CreateArray (2331)
RegisterCommand DestroyArray (2332)
RegisterCommand ArraySize (2333)
RegisterCommand ArrayCount (2334)
RegisterCommand SetInArray (2335)
RegisterCommand SetFloatInArray (2336)
RegisterCommand GetInArray (2337)
RegisterCommand GetTypeInArray (2338)
RegisterCommand RemInArray (2339)
RegisterCommand FindInArray (233A)
RegisterCommand FindFloatInArray (233B)
RegisterCommand SetRefInArray (233C)
RegisterCommand FindRefInArray (233D)
RegisterCommand CopyArray (233E)
RegisterCommand ArrayEsp (233F)
RegisterCommand ArrayProtect (2340)
RegisterCommand FirstInArray (2341)
RegisterCommand DestroyAllArrays (2342)
RegisterCommand PackArray (2343)
RegisterCommand CreateString (2344)
RegisterCommand DestroyString (2345)
RegisterCommand SetString (2346)
RegisterCommand StringEsp (2347)
RegisterCommand StringProtect (2348)
RegisterCommand StringLen (2349)
RegisterCommand DestroyAllStrings (234A)
RegisterCommand StringSetName (234B)
RegisterCommand StringGetName (234C)
RegisterCommand StringMsg (234D)
RegisterCommand StringCat (234E)
RegisterCommand UserFileExists (234F)
SetOpcodeBase 00002378
RegisterCommand RenFile (2378)
RegisterCommand DelFile (2379)
RegisterCommand StringToTxtFile (237A)
RegisterCommand CopyString (237B)
RegisterCommand IntToString (237C)
RegisterCommand FloatToString (237D)
RegisterCommand RefToString (237E)
RegisterCommand IniReadInt (237F)
RegisterCommand IniReadFloat (2380)
RegisterCommand IniReadRef (2381)
RegisterCommand IniWriteInt (2382)
RegisterCommand IniWriteFloat (2383)
RegisterCommand IniWriteRef (2384)
RegisterCommand IniKeyExists (2385)
RegisterCommand IniDelKey (2386)
RegisterCommand EspToString (2387)
RegisterCommand IniReadString (2388)
RegisterCommand IniWriteString (2389)
RegisterCommand ModRefEsp (238A)
RegisterCommand GetRefEsp (238B)
RegisterCommand StringToRef (238C)
RegisterCommand StringCmp (238D)
RegisterCommand FileToString (238E)
RegisterCommand StringPos (238F)
RegisterCommand StringToInt (2390)
RegisterCommand StringToFloat (2391)
RegisterCommand ArrayCmp (2392)
RegisterCommand StringMsgBox (2393)
RegisterCommand StringIns (2394)
RegisterCommand StringRep (2395)
RegisterCommand IntToHex (2396)
RegisterCommand LC (2397)
SetOpcodeBase 000023B0
RegisterCommand FromTSFC (23B0)
RegisterCommand ToTSFC (23B1)
RegisterCommand StrLC (23B2)
RegisterCommand CreateEspBook (23B3)
RegisterCommand FmtString (23B4)
RegisterCommand FixName (23B5)
RegisterCommand ResetName (23B6)
RegisterCommand HasFixedName (23B7)
RegisterCommand csc (23B8)
RegisterCommand StringSetNameEx (23B9)
RegisterCommand StringGetNameEx (23BA)
RegisterCommand FixNameEx (23BB)
RegisterCommand IniGetNthSection (23BC)
RegisterCommand IniSectionsCount (23BD)
RegisterCommand RunBatString (23BE)
RegisterCommand Halt (23BF)
RegisterCommand RefToLong (23C0)
RegisterCommand LongToRef (23C1)
RegisterCommand FindFirstFile (23C2)
RegisterCommand FindNextFile (23C3)
RegisterCommand GetFileSize (23C4)
RegisterCommand NewHudS (23C5)
RegisterCommand DelHudS (23C6)
RegisterCommand ScreenInfo (23C7)
RegisterCommand HudS_X (23C8)
RegisterCommand HudS_SclX (23C9)
RegisterCommand HudS_Show (23CA)
RegisterCommand HudS_Opac (23CB)
RegisterCommand HudS_Align (23CC)
RegisterCommand AutoSclHudS (23CD)
RegisterCommand HudS_Y (23CE)
RegisterCommand HudSEsp (23CF)
RegisterCommand HudSProtect (23D0)
RegisterCommand HudsInfo (23D1)
RegisterCommand DelAllHudSs (23D2)
RegisterCommand HudS_L (23D3)
RegisterCommand rcsc (23D4)
RegisterCommand HudS_SclY (23D5)
RegisterCommand NewHudT (23D6)
RegisterCommand DelHudT (23D7)
RegisterCommand HudT_X (23D8)
RegisterCommand HudT_SclX (23D9)
RegisterCommand HudT_Show (23DA)
RegisterCommand HudT_Opac (23DB)
RegisterCommand HudT_Align (23DC)
RegisterCommand AutoSclHudT (23DD)
RegisterCommand HudT_Y (23DE)
RegisterCommand HudTEsp (23DF)
RegisterCommand HudTProtect (23E0)
RegisterCommand HudTInfo (23E1)
RegisterCommand DelAllHudTs (23E2)
RegisterCommand HudT_L (23E3)
RegisterCommand HudT_SclY (23E4)
RegisterCommand PauseBox (23E5)
RegisterCommand KillMenu (23E6)
RegisterCommand SetHudT (23E7)
RegisterCommand HudT_Text (23E8)
RegisterCommand HudS_Tex (23E9)
RegisterCommand SanString (23EA)
RegisterCommand IsHUDEnabled (23EB)
RegisterCommand IsPluggyDataReset (23EC)
RegisterCommand FromOBSEString (23ED)
RegisterCommand ToOBSEString (23EE)
RegisterCommand HudT_Font (23EF)
SetOpcodeBase 000023FF
RegisterCommand PlgySpcl (23FF)
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll (00000001 OBSE_Elys_Pluggy 00000084) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll (00000001 OBSE_Elys_Uncapper 0000005E) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll
SetOpcodeBase 000025D0
RegisterCommand mqSetMessageBoxSource (25D0)
RegisterCommand mqGetSelectedClass (25D1)
RegisterCommand mqGetHighlightedClass (25D2)
RegisterCommand mqAlterCustomClass (25D3)
RegisterCommand mqGetEnchMenuBaseItem (25D4)
RegisterCommand mqGetMapMarkers (25D5)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildFloatValue (25D6)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildStringValue (25D7)
RegisterCommand mqSetMenuChildFloatValue (25D8)
RegisterCommand mqSetMenuChildStringValue (25D9)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildHasTrait (25DA)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildName (25DB)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuChildCount (25DC)
RegisterCommand mqCreateMenuFloatValue (25DD)
RegisterCommand mqCreateMenuStringValue (25DE)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuActiveFloatValue (25DF)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuActiveStringValue (25E0)
RegisterCommand mqSetMenuActiveFloatValue (25E1)
RegisterCommand mqSetMenuActiveStringValue (25E2)
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuActiveChildIndex (25E3)
RegisterCommand mqInsertXML (25E4)
SetOpcodeBase 000025E5
RegisterCommand mqGetCurrentQuests (25E5)
RegisterCommand mqGetCompletedQuests (25E6)
RegisterCommand mqGetActiveQuest (25E7)
RegisterCommand mqSetActiveQuest (25E8)
RegisterCommand mqGetQuestCompleted (25E9)
RegisterCommand mqUncompleteQuest (25EA)
SetOpcodeBase 000025ED
RegisterCommand mqGetMenuGlobalStringValue (25ED)
RegisterCommand mqSetMenuGlobalStringValue (25EE)
SetOpcodeBase 000025EF
RegisterCommand Kyoma_Test (25EF)
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll (00000001 OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue 00000003) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll (00000001 sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover 00004100) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll
plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll (00000001 weOCPS 01328DD8) loaded correctly



As you can see, all my OBSE plugins are being loaded correctly.

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