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Witch Hunt... Opinions?


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Well you did actually missed quite a bit as Morrigan foreshadows quite a lot about Flemeth and DA2 in general. Overall a well done closure especially for those who romanced her.


I'm not sure I agree with that. I don't understand how you can say it explains a lot about DA2, can't get my head around that at all. I didn't miss anything with the other DLC's at least that's my opinion having actually seen one on the PS and as I said I don't need closure as far as Morrigan goes she left and that was it for me.


As for DA2 there's a long time to go before we get it assuming we get it when they say we will. I'm going to wait until it's released, reading a lot of the theories flying around especially on the BW forums !!! is too much, it gets to the point where I loose track of what's fact and what's on someone's wish list.


Back to Oblvion for now :teehee:


I didn't. I said it foreshadowed a lot about DA2, like Flemeth's plan and new creatures that you will face. The strider is a creature for DA2, likewise the harvester as well.

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The last DLC I bought was Return to Ostagar as it fitted well into the existing game and extended the play time. I was disappointed with Awakening as it was a small stand a lone game that was over in a jiffy and all the other DLC have in my opinion been even smaller stand alone games. I'm quite happy that I chose not to buy it.


As for DA2 I'm going to wait and take it as it comes, I don't even want to see trailers, I watched one from DAO and found the comparison to the game a bit disappointing.

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Your choice ell, I'm not going to change your mind and I had never intended to. I'm just telling you what you missed, that's all.


:biggrin: thanks for the info, I would have been really miffed if I had missed something I would have enjoyed playing.

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  • 2 years later...


So i came to the party a little late.

I love Witch Hunt, but then, it's probably due to Morrigan being my favorite DA:O Character.

What i would have liked however, would have been more interaction with Morrigan other than 5 minutes of dialogue and step into the unknown.

Resolution as far as the relationship between Morrigan and the Warden is great.

It did leave me wanting more however.

Lelianas Song is probably the best DLC as far as playability, this one COULD, and SHOULD have been it's equal.

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  • 5 months later...

I probably would not of paid for the separate dlc, for me I got the expansion pack with ultimate addition which is a really good deal. It was short, not really worth doing unless you want to consider morrigan a friend and want to see her off before she goes away or if you had a relationship with her .


To short, pointless to try to be friendly with anyone really.

THere is a few neat converstations if you imported your dalish or mage warden. Not really worth it though.

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