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Witch Hunt... Opinions?


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1. I didn't like it much... too short, too easy. Only the Strider made it interesting. At first I thought that it would be an awesome DLC to finish the game, instead it was a lame disappointing ending. In the end I think that I only played it to have a complete story to import to DA2.

2. NO. Waste of money and time.

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a. Warden gets alerted that someone is back at Flemeth's Hut. (Warden had apparently stationed watchers for just this eventuality.) Learns that Morrigan has been visiting Dalish and has obtained info, and taken an artifact, from them.



This makes the Dalish look like some major CHUMPS. "Durrrr, she looked like a witch but we just let her take what was our anyway" >.>


I think this story would only be good for a Male who romanced Morrigan, all others should not care about her to follow >.>.

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Ok where's the ending????? Totally confused now. Thought I would at least get to follow her to see where she went.


Very short, ending too abrupt, nothing resolved for me. Had a great deal of promise but once again fell short of expectations. Not enough loot. Cann't import stuff from other modules.


After taking three days to download it was expecting something more. All in all very disapointing although the fights were a great deal of fun. The banter between party members was also amusing and in the tower of magi (reference to mages having owls). Amusing but seen better mods produced by the community (the Bloodworks being one). Maybe we should have a community contest for the best follow-up to Morrigan. However, the references to Dragon Age 2 weren't hard to miss so one could class this as a prologue to that. Meaning however that:


a. Morrigan could return to assit Hawke (or not depending on the powers that be)

b. Flemeth is in the second installment

c. Anything goes, continuity does not seem to be high on the hit list of EA or Bioware.


I suppose the way to take this is "Wait and See" and these teasers will continue to be released periodically to keep us (the end-user) sweet. However the cost of these teasers needs to be rethought as I think that it was definately too expensive for what it was.


Overall I suppose an amusing side trip which had nothing to do with the main event. Just telling her you were sent to find her (if not the original PC from Origins) meant nothing, as she didn't even ask why. So no cohesion for me.


I may be wrong but I think it was disappointing, costly and needed more thinking to make it fit with Origins. No ending here just more questions and a new beginning.

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Morrigan is not going to be involved in DA2. Black is not doing any voice overs for DA at the moment. Everything about Flemeth will be explained in DA2. Okay people?

Well, maybe not "okay". But, "Okay...[sigh] :( " Okay? :biggrin:


I've known that Ms. Mulgrew was attached, as they say, to DA2, and that Ms. Black was not, since around last March. (Another member of the DA:O VO cast was the source of this last.) But just because some of us already knew, doesn't mean that others aren't just now having their hopes dashed learning that (for some of us, sad) fact.


And many of them through sites like this! :thumbsup:

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It still doesn't have cohesion does it. The fact that Flemeth may have been killed off in DAO 1 if you took that route means that she shouldn't be around in her "true" form in 2 unless she is for say the first few years (before the blight) and changes later on into the game.


This DLC was named "witch hunt". Not much of a hunt and not much of an ending for Morrigan. Nothing resolved and like I said more of a prologue for DAO 2.


If a conclusion is going to be done then let it be done right not ham fisted and not thought through. Although fun to listen to and challenging in the fights this was something thrown together using objects already created. Nothing new, no story and put out as a teaser.


Bioware should get their act together and put out a proper DLC or at least let the end user know if there will be a follow-up of some description to the Morrigan story. Its been left hanging. If the games are following the books then let them be true to the books not a hobbled miss mash of nothing.


I have thoroughly enjoyed Dragon Age so far and have treated the latest DLCs as nothing more than side-trips whilst waiting for the new game to be released. I would still play the DLCs even if they weren't related to characters out of the original, just for the pleasure of it. So instead of hyping the DLC to be something its not lets hope the powers that be start advertising them properly so informed choices can be made and people are not disappointed.

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Well, maybe not "okay". But, "Okay...[sigh] :( " Okay? :biggrin:


I've known that Ms. Mulgrew was attached, as they say, to DA2, and that Ms. Black was not, since around last March. (Another member of the DA:O VO cast was the source of this last.) But just because some of us already knew, doesn't mean that others aren't just now having their hopes dashed learning that (for some of us, sad) fact.


And many of them through sites like this! :thumbsup:


Black is returning for DA3 apparently, Mike Laidlaw said that your choice (DR of course :thumbsup: ) is going to play a major role in DA3 and he has repeated it so many times. Besides the best scenario is that Morrigan needs time to prepare for what ever is that Flemeth is planning (good think that BioWare hasn't spoiled it yet), which by the way I saw her reaction on youtube vids it is something really bad. Writers can't give away all their secrets, you got to draw the audience just a bit and even though that it wasn't the ending that some really asked for it was a good ending for me and it will focus me more on DA2 and the impact of my actions.


So Thandal Morrigan will be back, just not in DA2. :biggrin:

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... [Ms.] Black is returning for DA3 apparently...


So Thandal Morrigan will be back, just not in DA2. :biggrin:

As well she should! Hands-Down the best, most complex, (and most attractive/desirable) character in DA to-date. (But that's just my opinion. Expressed maybe way too often in this venue. :confused:

Don't care! :P )


I was only pointing out that while you, and I, (and probably many, many others here on these forums! :laugh: ) keep up with the rumors ("...I believe them all.") half-hints, and total speculation that surrounds the in-and-out-of-game DA experience, others are hearing this stuff for the first time and so react much... differently. Especially to the oblique references and shorthand we throw about.


I share your optimism that David G., Mary K., Sheryl C., et al, know what they're doing and so will take us all along on a wonderful adventure!


As John Rhys-Davies said in referring to Peter Jackson's handling of a "beloved world" while having to keep the expectations and desires of an enormous fan-base in mind, "Its alright. You're in good hands." :thumbsup:

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Oh yes. Well all thought that the younger Flemeth is going to by voiced by someone else but it is great the Ms. Mulgrew is back as Flemeth and gives us hope for Ms. Black's return because no one else can voice such an iconic character. Besides Morrigan is too busy raising a child/her powers/allies/whatever you chose... to worry about Hawke. Hawke can burn for all she cares. :devil:
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... Besides Morrigan is too busy raising a child/her powers/allies/whatever you chose... to worry about Hawke. Hawke can burn for all she cares. :devil:

Oh yeah. Hawke isn't on Morrigan's radar at all.



Stopping (or protecting herself and maaaaybe OGB from / preparing for) "whatever Flemeth is planning" -- That seems to be what's driving her at the conclusion of WH.


If you (The Warden) "come along", (and "Good on ya' mate!" if you manage it) ...alright.


Out of all the choices one might make and questions that one might ask at that point, which is obviously (and clearly stated to be) "The End" of the DA:O storyline, I can only think of one that has any real direction-changing potential for DA:2/3.


Especially considering that the biggest one (from a general curiousity perspective) is not (by the time of the events in WH) something under the PC's control:


The biggest one (for most) is...

What about the OGB?!?


(I have no idea how the team will finesse the issue of the Warden's having refused the DR completely, but I'm sure they've already thought about it. :tongue: )


But granting that there is a reason for the first question at all, I'm far more interested in asking...

"What if you stop her the only way you can - by killing her in front of the Eluvian before she steps through?"


And if I'm David G., I can even fudge what "really" happened then by...

making use of the fact that there is no on-screen blood or crumpled body to leave sprawled across the dais. So I can say she "fell through gravely wounded, 'tho she eventually recovered. Carrying the scar from Grey Warden's blow ever after."



It'll be a looooong six months, but we'll have lots of fun.


:laugh: :thumbsup: Let the Speculation Continue, and the Rumors Multiply! :thumbsup: :laugh:

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