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{PLEASE HELP!!} Messed up animations


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Okay, well, im so frustrated that i decided to do something i never usually do, Post on a forum.



Now, ive went on a mod-download spree for Oblivion, and one of the mods was a fighting animation.


I tested it out, and hated it because of the anime-style fighting.


So I went into data files and...*Facepalm*. I remembered the mod didnt have an ESP. It replaced the original Animation files.


SO, i was wondering if someone could.....


1. Make sure their game is patched to the newest version.

2. Make sure that YOU dont have any mod animations

3. Go into your Oblivion folder/data

4. Go Data/meshes/character/_male

5. Copy the whole _male folder.

6. Put it into a .rar or .zip

7. Upload it somewhere for me

8. Post a link :biggrin:


This would really help, so..


Please and thanks in advance.


- Codyroz

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(Sorry for double post, don't know if their allowed or not :l )


Okay, well, i did what you said, and it got rid of the power attack animations, but not the UI animation.


Normal Screen:










My screen:








|....................< ----------.|

|__________________ ______|





It was a dual-wielding fighting mod.


And In 3rd person, it looks normal, but in 1st person, i get that.

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