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Data Files not showing up?

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When I open Wrye Bash or OBMM or even the vanilla data file manager, all sorts of things show up. However, they're not in my actual data folder, or at least not visible, which makes cleanup difficult. Anyone know what's wrong? I'm running 7, but I'm an administrator, and even used a command to take control of that folder, but still, nothing shows up. What gives?
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I, and many others have installed outside of the default program files location ( I use C:\Games\Oblivion) And we have not had any problem with DLCs, OBSE, mods or Patches - if anything, they are easier to install because there is no UAC to fight with over installing.


If you have the steam version, you MUST first reinstall the steam client outside the program files. Mine is C:\Games\Steam - then ALL steam games will be installed there where the UAC will not interfere with them. There are special instructions for making OBSE work with the steam version.


However, if you have the D2D version, due to their 'special' anti piracy features, you may be out of luck. All patches & DLCs must be from the D2D site. And some mods & OBSE will not work.


If you have a pirate version - sorry about your luck. You get no help here.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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Definitely not pirated; I have the GOTY version discs. My problem is that, when trying to run either the second disc or the patch installer, I'm not given the option where to install to, I just have to agree to an EULA and hit "Next" a few times. The SI disc at least seems to work, and tells me it did, but no good. If I try to use the patch .exe's, it attempts to run, tells me it can't find the .bsa's where they're supposed to be, and aborts =/
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The registry may still contain entries for Oblivion if you've uninstalled the game. SI, the official plugins, and the patch use the registry to find where Oblivion is located to install their content. Just do a search for "Oblivion" in the registry and change the string entries to point to the new directory.
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The second disk should install in the same place as the first one by default.


If you don't know how or don't trust yourself editing the registry. - deleting or changing a wrong entry can make your computer unbootable - use my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure. (Look in previous post) It details the safe way to remove registry entries ( A registry cleaning program)

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