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Building a silenced bullet?


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As an expiment, I put together a gun my Courier would use: This Machine as an M-14 conversion with a coil mag. Both are more than possible. Since I have no meshing experience, just using the WMX barrel extender and scorpe and increasing the magazine to 50 works well enough. So then we're onto the next challenge: making it silenced. I toyed around with another M-14 mod, and when I changed the peremeter to silence the weapon it worked, except that the gun made no sound AT ALL. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.


I had a notion of making the round silenced after seeing how an M-14 is actually suppreesed: you use an entirely different bullet that doesn't go supersonic and needs to be cycled manually because the force of the bullet isn't enough to operate the gas-operated mechanism. In this case I'm running up against two issues: I don't see a bullet modification for rate of fire, nor an option for noise suppression. So they idea is probably out, but I thought I'd at least bring it up.

Can anyone help?

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Call it a shameless plug - CaliberX has "silent" options for numerous calibers, including .308 Winchester and 7.62x51 NATO. Using one of them is as simple as changing the projectile entry to whichever you want. I'll be using them extensively in the next WotNM patch - my rule is that if the gun is capable of taking a can, it gets the matching silent projectile if one exists.


That said, to actually make your own "silent" projectile, you'd need to make a new entry, assign it custom mesh/textures, etc etc. Way beyond my expertise, so I'm no help there.


So far as actually suppressing the noise of the shot, that's done via sound files, easy enough to alter.

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To suppress a weapon, you need to either change the default sound in the Art & Sound tab. To make it silenced after equipping a mod, there is tabs for Attack Sounds in the Mod Info info tab, you simply place a silenced shot sound in there. Not sure how it's handled exactly, but simply look up another weapon thats silenced to see.

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Senterpat, that's what I need to find. Will probably just change the Extended barrel mod to silence, but it's a ready goal.

Whiskey River, I think I'll pass on Caliber. I've got weapon packs galore....although an armor piercing overpowered 9mm slug for the PPSK from Weapons of the New Millenia and a .308 HEAP round....beacuse I'm a psychopath....

No seriously, if Caliber has any of the following I will probably download it:

A top or side load conversion for Lucky (or 357s in general)
A 308 HEAP Round
A 5mm pisto
An AA-12 with the same wooden furniture/gunmetall set up as the Riot Shotgun.....because Classy
A 9mm round I could fight deathclaws with

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^ CalX only deals with ammo, no new weapons or anything. .308 HEAP doesn't exist in reality, which means I won't be adding it any time soon. An AA-12 dressed up like the Riot Shotgun would require redesigning the weapon, and I frankly don't have the skills, time or patience to dick around making new weapons.

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