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Dirty Records

Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825



I recently posted my first mod on the nexus, "The Duelists". As advertised, it was supposed to be a straightforward, relatively simple NPC that would give me experience in AI, scripting, NPC's, etc. before moving on to other projects, while providing users a fun, clean mod.


Apparently there is no such thing as a simple mod, as I'm learning - the latest issue brought to my attention is something described as "Dirty records". I just want to find out how to approach this problem and solve it ASAP. I don't need a walkthrough, just some pointers and general info. The user who described it in the comments mentioned using TES4Edit, but after a few minutes of unsuccessfully dicking with the app (my preferred method of acquiring knowledge) I am at a dead end.


If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be very appreciative, as I just want to learn how to correct the issue and improve my mod (and try to get some endorsements in the process!)




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