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Missing equipping/picking up items sound after going to prison


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Every time I end up going to prison in game, I end up losing the equipment sounds of the game. It doesn't seem to fix itself.

I have installed skyrim on another drive F:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Skyrim


My PC:


Windows 7 64 bit proffesional


Processor: Intel®core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40ghz 3.40ghz

GPU: Gtx 550ti


I used nexus mod manager to install my mods. If you want to see my mod's load order feel free to ask. I have tried many ways to stop this issue but it doesnt seem to work. I think it has something to do with the game not being able to run the sounds since the sound files are definitely there. The only time the sound becomes missing would by ending up in jail.


I could avoid going to jail in game but I want to complete the Cidhna Mines quest.


Thanks for taking the time to help if you can :I


Edit: Appears to only affect the picking up, dropping and equipping sounds. The sheathing and attacking sound is fine. Apparently the gold purse sound works fine as well, Coins however don't make a sound.

Edited by bjsoong
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I'm gonna say start here if you haven't already:


Ok first use LOOT to sort your load order. Video here:

Then watch this video and use TES5EDIT as he prescribes:


Thanks for that suggestion and I've tried this before but it makes my game crash so yeah. I have my own personal optimum load order through trial and error. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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I have solved the issue apparently o.o not sure why but it magically fixed itself >.> weird. Thanks for the suggestion guys XD


I just ran my game today and the sound was back o.o I have restarted my game several times but I think it needed a computer restart? Not sure how that works but yeah it works.

Another theory would probably be trying to move to a new cell or something. Maybe that reset the sounds or something I dunno. XD

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