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Text related issues + getting some stuff work together


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Hello,I started modding not quite long ago and until about now never had issues getting stuff to work.

I want to install MTUI,the thing is,that it is dependant on some .XML files that are already modified and used by the Mod Configuration Menu and the Weapon Mod Menu,tried to google around for answers but I still can't get them to work together,I stumbled upon the Unified HUD plugin but still no avail in this one,anyone can explain me how the heck I can make them work together?


There's another thing that showed up,it seems like the clickable options in text boxes/windows are with a little offset and sometimes mixed,for example when I want to inspect ED-E,the text window shows up with the possible interaction options(repair,leave it alone) mixed into each other and attempting to click anywhere in the text box simply doesn't work and I am simply left stuck like this...what could this be?



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UI mods previously depended on installing everything in the right order and using Unified HUD Project to ensure they all worked correctly together.


Unified HUD Project has been made obsolete by User Interface Organizer. It's an NVSE plugin that does what uHUD does, only it does it in memory as the game is launching.


With UIO, just drop the files into the data folder and allow all overrides and the plugin will take care of the rest.


As for your other issue, I typically see this as a result of someone having too many mods installed. How many do you have?

Edited by Ladez
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Thanks for the reply!


I kind of fail to understand what to do,which files should I drop in the data folder? UIO's or the ones I am trying to get to work together?


>in response to edit : About a 100(not 100 individual ones,as some are patches,but around that number)

Edited by Danikov
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The ones you're trying to get to work together. Allow it to overwrite everything and UIO will make the operations necessary to get everything working when you launch the game.


in response to edit : About a 100(not 100 individual ones,as some are patches,but around that number)


Is this 100 plugins or 100 mods? A mod can contain more than one plugin. Your load order should not contain more than 139 files as the game will typically start to go nuts around that number.


If it's not too many mods, not sure what else to look into. Try to reinstall all UI mods and make sure to use UIO to get them working together.

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hmmmmm,seems like I have just hit the limit,I currently have 142 plugins,will look into what I can remove.


and thanks for the reply,I think I got it to work.


edit : has it been attempted to get that plugin limit broken anyhow?

Edited by Danikov
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