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The Agent of Death


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Kudos mrbic if you like it!


How am I to do,

That which is wrong?

For you are soon to be blue,

From the death too long.

Understand me this,

I bear you no ill will.

I shall place upon your forehead a gentle kiss,

After your ending, so horrid and shrill.


It is not I who am to blame,

But rather your incompetence.

For you see, my beautiful dane,

It was you who ingested your ending agents.

Now lifeless and devoid of your springy prance,

You should have known better,

Should have taken the second glance.

But now you shall decay and wither.


Another soul, another life.

My job is far from done.

There are too many left, too much strife,

So many more to leave to rot in the sun.

But one day it shall be as it should,

Devoid of the sinful blight.

All life should end, and with me it could,

I will stop the wrongs of existence, I will make it right.





mrbic inspired this poem after talking about favorite things in life, and my response was the ending of it. This was a quickie poem done in the Chat because he inspired me. Kudos mrbic! I am so rarely inspired to even get up.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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