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Severe FPS drops and audio glitching


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Fallout New Vegas experiences frequent & very severe FPS drops on my computer.


8gb Ram (1.2 gigs used by Windows and background applications)

2gb Video Ram

3.5 Ghz Dual Core Intel processor

Windows 7

...and lots more that I don't know.

These drops vary in severity and seem to happen at random, but more often outside. They tend to last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes and end if I restart the game. I use NVSE and Project Nevada, but I know they aren't the cause.


Audio glitching is hard to describe. It's severe, too. It sounds just... distorted.


I doubt it has anything to do with this but I feel it's worth mentioning that F:NV is installed on a different hard drive than Windows and My Documents.


I've tried NV Configator and it hasn't changed anything.

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