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BossNinjato - BANNED

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BossNinjato banned.

Reason for the ban

Repeated uploads to the Skyrim Nexus imageshare featuring nudity and ripped content despite two previous formal warnings on the subject.


No nudity
Images showing nudity are absolutely prohibited in the normal image share. This rule is applicable to images showing full frontal/rear nudity and partial nudity (uncovered breasts, genitals, buttocks), pictures showing characters wearing extremely revealing outfits (transparent, semi-transparent dresses, string bikinis, micro-bikinis, clothes that leave sensitive areas or pubic hair visible). Rear-view images of topless female characters are tolerated as long as they are tagged as adult and the pose does not expose a full or partial side view of the breasts. Using patches/pasties/butterflies to cover up non-permissible body parts or images showing characters using their hands to cover up otherwise naked body parts are also not acceptable. Environmental objects (e.g. shrubberies) can be used as long as the 'sensitive' areas are sufficiently covered (the same as the cover a standard bikini would offer).

Non-human/beast races that normally wear clothes or are assumed to wear clothes in the in-game world are considered nude if they are not dressed in the uploaded image the same way that a human would be considered nude or inadequately dressed.

To better describe our idea of what images are acceptable in our public Image Share sections (on all Nexus sites) we have created a mockup of a humanoid body with clearly defined acceptable and unacceptable skin exposure boundaries that can be found here.

No illegal content
Images showing copyrighted content, content owned by other persons/entities and obtained/produced without their permission or content that is considered illegal according to the laws of the United Kingdom (e.g. images featuring pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, etc.) should not be uploaded either to public Image Share or Supporters' Image Share.

Please share your own work! Do not take other peoples creations and parade them as your own. It is not only unfair, but a bannable offense. We take stealing content from others seriously. You have been warned.

Images showing private mods and mods from other sites
As a rule of thumb images showing content from mods not hosted on a Nexus site, including unreleased private mods or mods obtained from sites other than Nexus, that would not be permissible on the Nexus file servers may not be uploaded to public and supporters' image share. If you create a private mod for your own enjoyment using content from other modders without permission then do not upload images of that mod. Simply put; if any mods shown in your image could not be hosted on the Nexus because of our rules then do not upload the image to our Image Share.

Reference post

Reference post

Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 2 formal warnings before they were banned

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