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identity crisis


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so i was wondering what you guys associate me with, so i can change my look from sheoggy to something else

Like @brokenergy says; take a walk on the beach, or the woods if you live in the middle of the land. Meditate, associate with your self, and don´t pay attention how others will associate with you. Find out who you are, what you stand for. It is you who should build up you.

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Yep, Brok and Balagor are right. Only you can decide who you are. Sometimes it just takes a little quiet reflection. Whether you physically take a walk on the beach or in the woods, or just meditate (if you can do that). But don't try to let others determine who you are. It will never work. Be yourself and be proud of it. That is how you will be accepted and respected by others; not by trying to be who you think they want you to be. I don't know if this will help, but half the time everyone else is struggling with the same problem, so don't let it get you down. Just be who Calliton feels comfortable being.
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All I can say is this: Go to the government and change your name to Desmond Miles LOL.


Nah, but like what everyone else said, take a quiet stroll and figure out who you are (and if you live near the Grand Canyon DON'T jump!) What everyone else thinks about you is their business; watch the 3rd Back to the Freaking awesome Future and you'll see :thumbs: (Its called Back to the Future though!)

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