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very VERY simple mod request (WILL GIVE KUDOS)


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I play oblivion with Francesco's and MMM mods together. One very important change that Fran's mod makes to the game that I really like is that it greatly reduces the chance of finding good loot, forcing the player to explore in order to find good weapons/armor. This also increases the economic difficulty of the game (making money matter) becuase you can no longer walk a couple meters down the road to kill a couple of bandits at level 25 and end up with a whole range of daedric/glass equipment that get you alot of money. The problem is that MMM also adds a range of enemies such as Barbarians, Raiders and Bandit Goblins that are not modified by Fran's mod to carry less quality of loot, so while vanilla creatures/NPCs and those added by Fran's mod rarely carry good loot, MMM added creatures and NPCs do carry good loot (I think their levelled loot advances as the same rate as vanilla oblivion).


It would be great if someone could make a mod in which the MMM levelled lists (and leveled equipment carried by MMM creatures and NPCs) were adjusted to make finding good loot MUCH harder on enemies (such as Barbarians, Raiders and Goblins), with finding daedric/ebony/glass equipment being VERY hard. Even though I am a massive noob when it comes to modding, I know that this mod is pretty simple to produce for the incredibally skilled oblivion modders (not kidding, from the 200 or so mods I've got, I'm fairly convinced that most oblivion modders on these forums are very skilled). Of course I will give kudos as it is really the only way (besides saying thanks) to appreciate your kind help.


Please help. Thank you for your time.

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Ok, I learnt a bit about construction set and realized that in order to rarify MMM loot carried by NPCs and creatures, I need to load the MMM main file, select the NPC or creature and play around with its inventory. Within the inventory, there are a list of objects such as LL0NPCArmorLightBoots/Cuirass/Greaves/etc. and LL1NPCWeaponTwoHanded (this is for an NPC called BarbarianMelee 1A).


How do I alter these leveled objects, so that good weapons/armor on these NPCs/creatures becomes much more rare, so that for example steel equipment appear in level 5 or 6 rather then level 2, or daedric/ebony/glass appear at level 50 rather than 25 and just generally have a very low chance of appearing?


Please help.

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I am not sure but maybe merging leveled lists with Wrye Bash will help.You can find

more info about it in FCom install guide (bashed patch paragraph).

hmmmm... had a look at Wrye Bash feutures. I think this is what your talking about:

• When different mods alter the same leveled list, the last mod to load will "win" overriding any changes made by earlier loading mods. This is particularly a problem with creature and the various releveling mods which alter so many lists.


• To overcome this, it is necessary to merge the changes to the various leveled lists into a new "merged list" mod, and ensure that this new mod loads after all the mods whose lists it merges.


or maybe your talking about this:

• Export NPC Levels exports the NPC level info from a mod to a tab separated spreadsheet file. This file can then be edited and re-imported using Import NPC Levels. (am I right?)


Anyway, I don't think these feutures can help since MMM adds lots of new creatures and NPCs, not just edit the leveled list of existing ones. Oh, and I couldn't find anything in the FCOM page (maybe tell me what you meant more psecifically?)


Hmm you could alter the actual level lists, changing what items you want on it... Not sure how to make things be rarer...

Yeah, I think that's what I have to do. What I need to do is to alter the leveld weapon/armor in the MMM NPC's inventory so that the items themselves level slower than the NPC. I mean eventhough the NPC levels up, say at the same rate as the player, his leveled item levels slower than the player (say half paced), so that it takes longer for higher class equipment to appear. This is what I really want cause I was sick and tired of getting daedric equipment as low as level 20. But how do I do this????????


As for daedric/ebony/glass equipment: The idea is that these classes of armor/weapons are supposed to be very rare and something that only the top class people (like lords) could have, not common thugs. So the chance of these stuff appearing of common thugs should be very low, doesn't matter what level you are. I don't know how to do this, but I know that there is a feuture in the construction set which is basically the chance for something in the inventory not appearing (forgot its name). I guess I could use that, so that it's enabled at very high levels, giving a very small chance that a piece of ebony/glass/daedric armor may appear in the thug's inventory. I'm not sure if this is going to work. Any Suggestions or imrovements on this idea??????

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Ok, after looking at both mods in the construction set for a while, I realized that there is no need to actually modify the files. You see, Fran's leveled bandits or leveled chests DO NOT APPEAR IN THE GAME AT ALL because they are overwritten by MMM which has to be loaded after Fran's. So what I'm getting from leveled chests and bandits are all from MMM, not Fran's, and Fran's mod is the one that makes good loot rare. So what I need to do is to somehow overwrite MMM's leveled bandits and chests with Francesco's ones, but the problem is I cannot load Fran's after MMM, or they will be incompatible. How can I do this???? (maybe it could be doen using Wrye Bash? At the moment I'm having trouble with running Wrye Bash though...)


Anyway I'm going to ask this question at the general mod talk section. Any ideas?

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