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Hello people im new to this universe of forums and pcs and id like to have a go at modding fallout3 . But ... i know nothing about modding or programming , iv got loads of ideas for quest but i really dont know how to start implimenting them .

What i need is a shove in the right direction , iv seen some really inspiring stuff on nexus but there is just too much for my single brain cell to handle .

Can someone point me in the direction of something more suitable for a complete beginner ,i will say thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply .

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Hello friend, and welcome to the Nexus Community

also I am new, but Don't worry: I can get you some thing to say!

if you want create a new mod much easly, you must download the G:E:C:K (GARDEN OF EDEN CRATION KIT)

Reperible in many site!

when you be a very professionist :thumbsup: you can use many advenced tool type:

Blender; (3d)

Nifscope; (Texture and meshes)

Phyton; (I don't know :unsure: )


to run the mods I suggest you use "Fomm" and "Archive Invalidation Invalited!" and have the game patched to version 1.7...


Good luck! :biggrin:

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You are in luck - we have just opened a new section (Today!! 9/10/2010) of the forums dedicated to those programs needed for making mods and the tutorials for them. Scroll down past the other sections and look for the Software Programs section. Not a lot there yet, But I expect it to grow fast.


Our own LHammonds has populated it with his own recommendations and links to many good tutorials he has found over the years.

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Hello there davycrockett =)

I'd just like to continue on with what delta said.

What he has suggested is something you will look at, scratch your head and be completely confused about.


Now for a beginner like yourself I will point you towards the first and most important piece of software that you will use when modding Fallout 3.

G.E.C.K - Garden of Eden Creation Kit

Available for download here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page

Be sure to download the main file and then download the update to 1.5


On that website is a tutorial to help you which is very detailed and is the best way to learn the Geck:


My First Vault Tutorial Series



Start there and continue on to the rest of them.


Also watch some very good and informative videos by Bethesda themselves:



After you have made a few mods yourself and your happy with your skills.

THEN you can move on to simpler things like texturing.

I will assist you with that after you have caught on with the Geck.


Good luck friend!

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