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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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Chapter 11: Loss and Discovery



I feel like I’ve looked everywhere.


I’ve been on every floor of this ship. From the storage area to the Muddy Rudder to the bridge tower, I have covered it all…and Saori’s not the mobile type. I even took a small peek back at the marketplace at a distance from my other two friends, but to no avail. I am determined to find her whereabouts; I’m not going to sidestep this one.


Back to the main deck. Nobody’s here; everyone is downstairs eating breakfast. There’s the clinic…and there’s the hotel. Again. And there’s my room too…straight down the hall on the left. But what about the room across from mine…?


Of course. Why didn’t I even bother to check her room?


I rapidly approach the room – almost slipping on the wet floor – and bang on that metal slab Rivet City calls a door. An open right palm turns into a fist. The loud bangs resonate through the empty hallways.


“Hello! Anyone in there?!”


No response.


I’m feeling a bit irritated. With a quick surge of rage, I ready myself to twist and pull at the door. But such an attempt was not needed. As my hands near the large circular knob, almost as if some holy entity had heard my plea, the door creaks open.


It was unlocked the entire time.


Inside is a neat and tidy room; the bed is perfectly made, the lights are off and the floor is spotless. (So this is what a girl’s room looks like.) I notice what appears to be her backpack partially open in the far corner…along with a small clipboard. I near it, and although the paper is slightly wet, the writing is still legible. It reads:


Leave me alone, and don’t look for me. I’ll catch up with you all soon enough.


- S.

“Alone,” says the technical girl who thinks more with her heart and less with her head. “Leave me alone.” You’re calling me out. Don’t act like I don’t know you; you’ve lived and fought us for as long as I can remember. At times you believe in the absolute, the finite and scientific, but in the right circumstances, you say otherwise. It’s when you’re desperate – no – when we’re desperate. And you’re feeling guilty. Death stared right in our eyes not too long ago, and one of us just barely escaped its clammy and sinister grip. You can’t hide from me…and you wouldn’t dare ditch us either; you’re smarter than that. In the claustrophobic Rivet City, there’s only one ideal hidden retreat for you and your emotions.


The flight deck.


I climb back up to the bridge tower and swing past the city armory. The security is peacefully eating away as I noisily dash to the far door, but I don’t care. Upon opening it, the cool, salty air powerfully blows through the room. Today seems to be quite a windy day. Looking upward, I can see the sky has a slight purple tint to it and the sun is still in its ascent. The deck appears to extend as far as the naked eye can see, but not far enough; a hunched silhouette is visible on top of the gorgeous vista of a wet world far beyond the arid wasteland. I walk through the Rivet City junkyard to get closer.


“There you are.”


Saori turns around and notices me in my approach. She looks miserable…for once. Everything about her seems to be drooping.




“Can’t you read? I said don’t look for me,” she sulks. She looks back out to the ocean, glimmering with the light of dawn.


“Well, too bad. I’m no idiot.”




I sit down next to her, legs dangling from the edge of the ship. I look at her, but I get no response; she’s still gazing out at sea.


“So…what’s up?” I ask, trying to be friendly.


“The sky.”


I haven’t heard her this monotone before. But I’m not here to play games anymore. My patience grows thin.


“Okay, seriously. What’s going on?”


“Nothing. I just want to be alone. I need a breather.” Saori just sighs in sadness. Her eyes are welling up.


“Are you sure?”




“You sure you’re sure?”


There is a long silence that follows; the only things audible are the crashing of the ocean waves and the soft booms of the passing winds. Saori doesn’t respond. Instead, she scoots over toward the other side of the ship, away from me.


I slide over too, closing the gap.


“This is about Jericho, isn’t it?” I question.


More silence. She turns her head away from me. After what seems like an eternity, she speaks up in the volume of what is almost only a faint whisper.


“…you’re annoying. But fine. It is.” She sniffs softly.


“Look, it’s not your fault. That was admirable work back in Megaton…you did the right th-”


“But we almost died!” she bursts, tears now freely flowing. “Jericho…almost died. Because of me. He doesn’t deserve any of this crap. I do.” Saori looks back towards the water, now as pure and blue as her eyes.


“The people in Megaton are no longer in fear thanks to your efforts,” I counter. “They’re better prepared for whatever happens to them. The world is so unpredictable; you’ve saved all their lives. And Jericho’s doing just fine as of today. Almost…too fine.” I have to recall his “friendly” farewell.


“Really?” she says, wiping away some tears, turning to me.


“Yeah, really.” I look out to the horizon. “Again, it’s not your fault. Jericho is alive, and that’s what counts. Maybe you should have paid a visit instead of isolating yourself. He’s still a bit weak, but not weak enough for his potty-mouth.”


I turn back to Saori. She’s not looking at me, but finally that big frown has begun to wane.


“Maybe you’re right.”


“I AM right.”


“Just because you’re the leader doesn’t make you right.”


“I never said that. Anyway, don’t you remember? I volunteered,” I remind her. “But if you want to lead, be my guest. I can follow too…though the past few years have been pretty good to us, don’t you think? We’re still alive. Making it through the day.”


“Fine,” she admits. “But no thanks to your offer. Your life is probably worth more than mine, anyway.”


“Not in my book,” I say lightheartedly. “We’re all equal.”


We both take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. As we breathe out, the coastal wind seems to magically die down as well. Saori completely turns to face me, cheeks now dry.


“Sorry I’m such a b**** at times,” she says. “I know sometimes I come across as rude and coldhearted, but yeah, I have feelings too.”


“I know you do. Everyone’s human…on this boat, anyway.”


She makes a slight giggle as I push myself away from the ledge and stand up.


“Super Mutants are stupid, and that’s why we can wipe the floor with ‘em. Anyway, why don’t you come down to the marketplace? Then you can get something to eat with Butch and Saya too.”


“Nah.” Saori looks out to the ocean again. “I think I’ll stay here for a while. It looks pretty out here.”


I make a funny face, bottom lip protruding and eyes narrow.


“Don’t make me come back up here. I’m not a delivery boy.”


She turns around to look at me, starting from the legs up. A small grin spreads across her face upon seeing my expression.


“Alright…well, whatever you say, Leader.”


“Now that’s more like it!” I exclaim. “I’m starving here.”


With that said, I help her to her feet and we walk back towards the bridge tower. Saori is holding my left arm, leaning on my shoulder. I swear…it seemed at least twice as far coming out here. Must be me and my imagination. We approach the door. I’m about to open it, but she speaks up again.


“Hey…thanks for understanding me. I’m sorry.”


“Well, that’s what friends are for. After all, you’re all the only family I have.”


It doesn’t take a second for me to notice another pair of wet eyes. For a different reason, of course. Oh man. She comes at me with open arms and gives me a great, big hug.


“You’re the best, Drew.”


Oh. I don’t think I mentioned that yet. That’s me.


Edited by AliasTheory
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ahhhh... saori..,she's so adorable,what i like from this part is that you finnaly show the reader who she is,something we can't find in the previous chapter.great work al :thumbsup:
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If anyone wants to know: the main protagonist in this story looks pretty close to me IRL as well as having my name as I have now revealed, essentially.


Good to see I've gotten my character to rub off on you how I wanted her, BD.


And the whole thing with "What's up" and "the sky" is from my roommate here in college. He always gives me these lame answers to things. Like, "Tell your girlfriend the world doesn't revolve around her," and "I know, it revolves around the sun."


The story will truly begin to progress in the near future. I have all my ideas and exactly what I plan to do with the characters written out as well.

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Chapter 12: And with Purpose



After prying Saori’s delicate hands off my body, we submerged ourselves once again into the depths of the boat city. The tart air returned to invade our senses, and darkness became all too common once again. An hour and a meal later, we were to look for some answers, all of us to be split up across the ship. The Enclave. Project Purity. The mysteries of these two had plagued us for half a week, but we would not have to find their replies. Their replies came to us. Well, kind of.


“You know,” Saori says, “you really didn’t have to come for me. Honest.”


“Oh no. I absolutely had to. You would have totally jumped off the boat to your death if I hadn’t come to your rescue.”


“Shut up,” she scoffs. Like I had seen all too many times, her face flushes with red.


“Okay, sure. You’re right. Happy now?”


We walk down the stairs from the bridge tower and start going back to the marketplace. The halls really do seem static; they always look the same no matter how many times I pass through them. But at one point during our return trip, I begin to hear faint, muffled voices nearby.


“…the Jefferson…the memorial…Project Purity…I can’t believe it’s dead. All that work is for nothing…all that leftover documentation there…”


“James…I can’t believe he’s really gone.”


We both stop dead in our tracks, feet frozen solid.


“You heard what I heard? The Jefferson…” For some reason, I find myself talking in a whisper.


“I’m not deaf!” Saori looks slightly offended.


The sound of what seems like sobbing is now audible. The voices get louder and louder as we progress towards the end of the hall. A steady walk transitions into a sprint in a race against our yearning desire for the truth. We turn the corner in ambition with a glimmer of hope…only to find a door slamming shut, the weeping now nonexistent. It’s the door to the science lab, and we’re locked out.


But I want answers.


“Hey!” I call out. “Did you say ‘Project Purity?’ I’m looking for more information about this with my friend here…could you let us in? Or tell us something?”


More hushed voices. Many different ones, in fact. I put my ear near the surface of the door.


“Why not?”


“No, no, no…we can’t let him in! Even if he does know. It’s property of the Enclave now…who knows what they could do with our work! It’s a failure.”


“James…would he want this?”


“Would he want us to break a promise? What would his dying wishes be? I think not.”


“Who cares if James wanted this? Only one other person knows the code now. We could use some help. Maybe even turn this whole s***storm around.”


“No. That’s inconceivable. An impossible dream. There are no such things as miracles.”


“I agree. We cannot trust anyone.”


My mind is spinning. I have no idea who or what they are talking about. Raising an eyebrow in puzzlement, I look up at Saori, but she seems to be growing quite impatient.


“Hey! We’re still here!” she yells. “I’ll take apart this door if I have to!”


A muffled voice responds.


“…great, there’s some stupid b**** out there too! We don’t need any more publicity…thinks she can break through a waterproof door…”


Oh boy. That was the first and final straw; Saori looks absolutely furious.


“Nobody calls me a b****! NOBODY!”


I have to snicker at the irony that she only recently imposed on herself. She glares at me.


“What are YOU laughing at?”


“Nothing. Nothing at all.”


In that very moment, I feel a strange sensation flow through me. It’s absolutely bizarre…almost like déjà vu. But it doesn’t go away; what I thought was only reserved for combat - my instinct - begin to possess me and consume me. The feeling of hunger fades.


“You know what?” I say. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. I have a better idea. Come on.”


Something tells me this will be a good one too.


I pull her away from the door and grumbles aside, we make our way back to the marketplace. The shopkeepers are bartering, the common folk are shopping and Gary’s Galley is empty…except for two people. Butch and Saya are still there; she’s reading through her new book and Butch has finally gotten his meal. Napkin on his lap and fork and knife in firm grasp, he’s drooling with anticipation. But I’m afraid I’m going to have to interrupt.


“We’re leaving. Now.”


Saya is already packed to go with excitement galore, but…


“I just…seriously! What the f*** is your problem?!” Butch slams on the counter.


“This isn’t the first meal you’ve missed. And Saori’s not complaining.”


“Um, actually, I AM kind of-“


“Right. She’s not complaining. Anyway. We found Project Purity and it’s close: the Jefferson Memorial. Heard some scientists talking down at the lab, but they don’t want us. The plan is to take a quick peek and possibly scavenge a bit. That should be enough to get the basics down…at least for the important ‘why’ behind the Enclave.”


Butch gives me a quizzical look.


“Wow. Well, how do you know things are going to be smooth sailing from here? The Enclave captured us because they wanted a CODE for it, remember? They’ll know we are there. Dumbs***.”


“If the Enclave was there, we would have been shot up along the way up here. But that didn’t happen, did it? They’ve probably retreated, sorting things out after our little stunt. The colonel’s dead.”


He groans.


“Oh yeah.” I add. “Only one person apparently knows the code. And apparently, some ‘James’ figure knew it too before he died.”


“Fine, fine, I get it. But only a tour. Then we’re coming right back. If I find myself down on the floor, it’s your fault. Don’t know why we can’t just chill for a bit.”


“I hear you. And I’m the leader, after all. It also comes with the responsibility for everything good and bad; you know that.”


“Whatever. Just lemme get my stuff.”


“Oh!” Saya pops in. “Saori doesn’t have her bag…I’ll get it!”


As Saya and Butch run off to the hallways, Saori just sighs, giving me a stern expression.


“I sure hope you know what you’re doing, just rushing off like this.”


“I do.”


Not really.


Bidding a quick farewell to Jericho after informing him of our planned inspection, we quickly plunge back into the Capital Wasteland. Waiting is not an option for me; I’m sure many of our answers are well within our grasp. They have to be…perhaps we will find a new lead to follow. It’s a gold mine. My heart surges with thumps of eagerness and wonder. How can anyone just sit around all day?


Stepping outside the Rivet City marketplace reveals a stunningly gloomy outlook: a clouded, overcast sky. The vivid, juicy orange colors of the morning have abruptly faded to an ominous, heavy gray that the heavens struggle to pierce; the air has transformed from a warm and comforting companion to a bitter, chilly and finger-numbing obstacle. Rain begins to fall, and the world eerily becomes as dark as night. My tattered gloves don’t do much to cope with the weather, but at least the Jefferson Memorial isn’t too far away.


It is a slow, quiet walk past the abandoned Super Mutant fort to the memorial door that we never bothered – or dared – to touch. Survival in the Wasteland has always been about playing it safe with the least amount of risk involved, but this isn’t for just our survival. It’s for more; the Enclave has killed many in their diabolical schemes, with inevitably more and bigger to come. Perhaps this is the meaning behind our departure from the Vault that fateful day. Maybe we were meant for something greater. A purpose. Our purpose.




We started this fire back at Raven Rock; we either put it out or die trying. We chose to be involved.


The day seems to be calling me. Something is going to happen; something big awaits us. Sorry everyone, but I doubt we will be heading back to Rivet City any time soon…for once, I just know it.


Edited by AliasTheory
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arghhh !!! where's the next chapter !! i want to read it now :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


can't wait to see what happen next =P =P =P =P =P hehe .don't worry al .... i won't tell anyone :yes:

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Chapter 13: No More Souls



Threading my newly-purchased assault rifle through the door gap, I carefully peer through it and analyze the area before gently closing it behind us following our entry. We find ourselves standing on the end of a deep, cavernous, plus-shaped hallway. It looks like nobody has been here in quite some time. The air is dusty; the paint on the walls is peeling; darkness floods the far end of the room, only briefly illuminated by the flicking of a nearby bulb in the corner. Poorly maintained fluorescents light the way. Out with the cold wind and in with the hot, stuffy indoors; the howling has stopped booming in our ears, and only the occasional rattling of the plumbing and the soft sounds of our own breathing can be heard.


“Alright. You all know the drill when it comes to these. I’ll take point on the right…Saya gets my six. Butch, you lead on the other side and Saori will cover you. Check the opposite hall when you get the angle. Quick, quiet and efficient.”


Everyone gets into position without a word, guns ready. Hugging the walls on the side, we inch our way forward down the sloped floor to check the corners. Our flashlights move jerkily and almost paranoically, their beams scampering throughout the corridor ahead of us as we try to spot anything unusual. I check my sights as the left hall slips into view, but nothing is there; it’s just a dead end, littered with old tin cans.


“Hey over there…see anything?”


“Just some trashed terminal on the close wall,” Butch responds. “Dead turret up on top. Area seems pretty clear…no Enclave…and really dark…don’t see too much back there.”


“Okay, good. Now, you and me.” I cue him to help me scour the next room. “Our backs are covered.” He nods.


Butch and I head right, and just we are going through the entrance and into the darkness…


“OUT OF THE WAY! You damn mutants! You don’t stand a chance!”


A female voice. Startled, we merely watch events unfold.


Bullet holes punch through a wooden door in the new room and it detaches itself, falling to the floor. Several large humanoid figures sequentially charge, scream and collapse as they struggle to pursue two other mysterious shadows: one human, one dog. I can’t make out the full figures in the extreme darkness as they back away from the door, although muzzle flashes give me flickers of detail. The gunfire is loud and powerful like that of a .50 caliber, yet ironically controlled, calm and precise. A river of bodies flows from the open room, but suddenly halts, now clogged with the dead. No more souls.


She reloads, the disfigured yells now silenced, her breathing surprisingly unforced and unruffled. She’s using a large handgun; a large rectangular block falls and hits the floor.


“Do we just watch?” Butch sounds a bit worried, but I’m too absorbed to respond.


Without a moment’s notice, two Super Mutants bust through the walls around her and her furry companion, one through the door right across from us. The dog obeys his master with no command required; he rushes the mutant approaching from behind, knocking it clean off its feet. But then I hear another gritty and twisted accent from behind us.




Saori and Saya, who were apparently not covering our male behinds at all, turn around in shock; they had been watching too. A mutant is about to clobber us with a giant sledgehammer. I prepare to dive into the darkness, away from the attack, and with equal surprise, witness the supernatural.


In a blink of an eye, the female figure single-handedly blasts the mutant on the other end of the room, and turns to fire another shot that screeches past my cheek – and into a ghastlier yellow-green one. It was as if the bullet had a mind of its own, avoiding contact with all other bodies. The sledgehammer clatters on the dusty floor as the mutant falls with a loud, blood-drenched thud.


I find myself in a sweat, now paralyzed in a myriad of emotions. I might be on my knees from a close call, but I’m not even fighting.


The couple of lady and beast slowly walks towards where we are, in the light. As their faces are illuminated, my eyes open wide in awe and amazement. It may have been a few years ago, but I recognize this person. Memories from an even more distant and underground past come rushing back to me.


“…oh great…it’s the Fabre girl again…”


“Hey Drew, do you want to play? We’re playing ‘Grognak the Barbarian saves the dinosaur princess’ today!”


“Uh, no thanks. I have other things to do.”


“Please? Pretty please? You can be Grognak if you want, I promise!”


“That’s alright. I’m fine.”




“I’m reading up on weaponry of the Great War. Maybe later, okay?”


(More like never.)


“Weapons? You mean like guns? Jonas gave me this BB gun for my birthday last week. You never came…it works though! I even repainted it! Look!”


“It’s not a real gun. And you had to pick pink, huh? One shade too. By the way, you missed a spot...”




“By the trigger. Right there.”


“But nobody even can see over there…that’s where your finger goes.”


“You missed a spot. It’s not perfect.”


“Not perfect…”


“Yes. Now go bother someone else. Goodbye.”


“…why Drew? Why? Why won’t you ever play with me…?”


The child personas fade, and reality resumes control. There’s the catalyst: a grown, dirt-blonde woman with sharp blue eyes. Her skin is fair, smooth, somehow untarnished by the outside world. She’s wearing a grey undershirt, and a pair of night vision goggles along with a familiar pair of lower garments. Serious, yet somewhat amused, she gives a slight smirk. But to more of a shock is the large, scoped pistol being pointed right towards me. And my friends. I instinctively turn around; Butch, Saya and Saori all have their guns readied as well.


“It’s so nice to see you, Drew.”


“Wait…no way…Lyn…Lyn! It is you! Why…? And how?” I stammer as I try to find the words.


“Such a shame…so this all that’s left of the hots*** Tunnel Snakes. Do you expect me to waste any of my sympathy on you?”


“No, I don’t. But how did you…how did you do-”


Upon closer inspection of her left eye, I notice something even more astonishing: a green, circulating orb inside its pupil. Her iris is large in size, but erratic in detail and coloration.


“A V.A.T.S…!”


Her dog growls. I hear Saori softly whisper, probably to Saya, weapons still up. “What’s a V.A.T.S.?”


“Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System.” I answer, voice low. “Synthetic, neuron-hotwired eye replacements designed for the best technical and medical specialists. They help to amplify reflexes and hand-eye coordination in high-stress environments, allowing one to target objects with pinpoint accuracy. Even in near light-absent conditions. There are no more than a dozen of these in existence, most of them probably not working…they aren’t meant to be used like this…”


Lyn simply mocks me following my recital. “So it appears your stupid books did drill some knowledge into your thick skull after all.”


“Why do you have one? When did you leave the Vault? And what do you want?”


“I am not inclined to answer any of your questions, Drew.”


I can say it now: the quiet, innocent girl I knew from Vault 101 died a long time ago. But she’s still a person. I turn back to my friends.


“Everyone, drop your weapons. Don’t hurt her; we can settle this peacefully.”


The three, still locked onto their two targets, put their guns down slowly. They know who she is too; they don’t want to harm her either. And just outright opposing her will probably result in fatalities with her wicked speed.


“Foolish. Such benevolence will get you nowhere in the Capital Wasteland.” Lyn just flicks her long hair back over her shoulder.


“Tell that to our three year career,” I retort.


“You’re all…so…weak.”


I steal a quick look at his face; Butch is a time-bomb of anger after she mutters those words. He’s ready to explode. I see him stand up and quickly reach for his concealed hand gun holstered on his side.


“You f***ing B****!”


“No! Don’t…!“


Using her inhuman power, Lyn reacts, shooting his gun right out of his hand with no warning, her eye glowing with a mysterious green light. It lands behind him, now crushed by the impact of the lethal round.






“Ah. How clever. Skill and resourcefulness, not just lady luck. Perhaps I have use for you. Maybe you CAN help me after all.” She puts away her firearm at last, hand on her hip.


“What? Oh man!” I have to laugh. “Did you just ask for help? You put us all at gunpoint, pull the trigger, and ask us for HELP? In your dreams, woman.”


“…I bet you all want to know what *I* need help with. Don’t you? Huh? Don’tcha? ” she teases.


I’m pissed. But with a cold-hearted look, I nod.


“Just tell me.”


Lyn reaches for her neck where a small, white, heart-shaped ornament hangs. I didn’t catch that detail before. Unhooking it, she tosses it to me, albeit a little forcefully. I snatch it in midflight.


“That’s my dad, James. That’s all he left me back at 101, and I saw him die by the hands of the Enclave. I’m here at Project Purity to finish his work for radiation-free wasteland water. Head of this confounded experiment.”


Everything is beginning to come together. And wow…radiation-free water. A “confounded” experiment, she says? It might be the root of all this trouble, but this James figure must have been some sort of genius. I open the small heart that is attached. A grayscaled photo of a man resides inside of it, and I now recognize his face. I slide closer to my friends.


“Guys. Look at this.”


“No way!” Saya exclaims. “He’s the other one from the Enclave hologram.”


It’s Butch’s turn. “I can’t believe this…damn Autumn…what the f*** is going on…”


“And,” Saya continues, “I can bet that the cry at the end was…yes…! It was just so distorted.”


Saori takes a look at the photo too and zones off, contemplating.


“It still doesn’t solve the jumpsuit question exactly,” she whispers. “How did we not know of this guy?”


“We’ll ask her later…and I’ll make sure of it,” I reply. “I don’t think she wants to talk about it. Would you?”


Closing the locket, I give it an underhand as it reunites with Lyn and her enigmatic feelings. She grips it in a tight fist and holds it close to her chest, closing her eyes.


“So you know. Those devils have their eyes everywhere, it seems.”


“Yes. We know about Project Purity now and we’ve fought with the Enclave. They obviously want this place. You just heard us, so no explanations are needed. But tell me: why should we help you? How do I know you won’t betray us?”


“If Project Purity gets up and running as it was designed to, the Enclave can’t tamper with it in any way. The design prevents manipulation afterward unless it is wholly destroyed. I’m sure they don’t want that; that’s self-destructive. But I need the parts to fix it, and only I know the code for it. Your grudge from the Enclave –which is none of my concern– is lifted; I fulfill my dad’s wish and in a sense, get some revenge. A win-win situation, is it not?”


She doesn’t want to hear about our side of the story either, just like the Brotherhood of Steel some while ago…even if our objectives may as well be one and the same. But at least the “who” in the code question has been solved, and at least we can get some assistance. I’m still digesting all the information.


“I suggest you agree with me; you have no other leads. I’ve been through this damn memorial too many times. I know it all.”


I guess Lyn’s right, but she has definitely changed. Is it really true? Is it too late? Is the girl I knew from Vault 101 really dead, merely abandoned by time?


“A convincing argument…fine. You can lead the way and tell us what we have to do. But you have to answer a final question.”


“Spit it out.”


“Why does the Enclave really want Project Purity? Since you were here.”


She walks towards me and stops at my shoulder, her dog by her side.


“For biological ‘enhancements.’ Leftover data logs. That is all.”


Biological “enhancements.” Could this be related to the FEV Virus that Colonel Autumn had died supporting? We’ve seen what it does from back in Raven Rock’s labs: it kills anything with an ounce of radiation in it. But that even applies to us; we have all been affected by bombs out here, some more directly than others. Who knows what they plan to do with this thing. However, I think I’ll keep this information amongst us; I’m still skeptical about her. Not wanting to play the devil’s advocate, but what if she’s Enclave? I trust her, but not completely.


Lyn and her animal friend continue walking towards where we first entered the building. I guess we’re out of here. All of us just look at her in confusion. This is all so sudden.


“I thought you were coming,” she remarks, still facing away. “Don’t lie to me.”


“We’re coming.” I call out. “Geez. And nice pet you have there, by the way.”


“That’s Dogmeat. Screw with him and I’ll make you regret it.”


The Enclave side of the story has been cleared up a bit; nonetheless, Lyn remains mysterious. None of us are quite sure of her agenda, but as she said, we don’t really have any other leads. Not only have we seen her before, years ago, but she probably knows more than any other person in the wasteland about this project. The apparent daughter of the project leader would know best, after all. I don’t know if it was just the death of her dear old dad that made her so cold and disheartening, but perhaps with time I can turn her attitude around. Even then though…that powerful eye…


Just who are you again?



Edited by AliasTheory
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