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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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nice, well crafted again full of emotion and deeper into some of the character :happy: ever considering make a book out of it ? .


after reading this now the audience can make a conclusion about lyn, that she's not a blood thirsty and meant girl as shown in previous chapter but more like trying to show to her comrade in arms especially drew that she's a tough and realiable person.but fail due to the teatime conversation, instead she shown her softer side :wink:

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Lots of anger in that chapter...if they carry on like that they will all be emotional wrecks.. anyways...good chapter again but getting details out seems like drawing blood from a stone..the story will need more light relief soon :)
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I think I've said this before, but I think this is my favorite chapter so far! Really well done, AT. I love Lyn, I think she's my favorite. :) They're all complex in their own way, but her character really just resonates in an appealing way. To me, anyway. Can't wait for the next one!
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I'm slowly revising the older chapters, making some grammatical amends once again thanks to Ithildin via PM. :)


References from the previous chapter (18):



- One is from a rather famous villain in pop culture...why so serious?


"You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" is a line said by the Joker from Batman, who often would ask this question to his victims. This has been slightly reworded in this chapter.


- Another is from an anime that would be classified as "Shōnen."


The part referring to being back in "one piece" and possibly needing an eye patch is a reference to the anime "One Piece," which involves pirates, who are characteristically associated with eye patches.


- A third one is a slight rewording of a quote from a (more recent installment of a) famous video game series, mentioned by an important character who goes by the name "Grim."


Secondary female protagonist Anna Grimsdóttír in Splinter Cell Conviction mentions to Sam Fisher near the beginning of the game how everything is now dark, "just how you like it," following his request to kill the light fixtures.


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Chapter 20: Broadcast 31



The Chroniclers – As transcribed by Reginald Rothchild of the Capital Wasteland’s Brotherhood of Steel. Washington DC – The Citadel – The Pentagon


Rothchild sez: Characters and events are not as they may seem; this is after all, just writing. Now excuse me while I get some coffee. (Sarah wuz here!)




<Sounds of crickets and other nighttime ambiance. Noise of a light drizzle accompanies the cooing of a gentle breeze.>


Male voice, well-aged, southern accent: Are you away from the others?


Female voice, young adult, fluently: Yes. This should be far enough. Only one of them is awake, but we are well out of sight.


M: <with amusement> Good, good…


F: Is something the matter?


M: <serious> No. Nothing is amiss.


F: Understood. You summoned me for a reason?


M: Of course. I take it you have secured the resin synthesizer for Project Purity?


F: Yes, I have.


M: As planned. This is a very important part in removing the otherwise radioactive isotopes in the water. Without that there is no purpose to this…cleanser.


F: I have already made note of that. Please don’t doubt me, sir.


<brief silence>


F: Sir?


M: Yes, yes, I heard you.


F: Oh, okay. <sigh of relief> I thought I had lost you already; the signal must be getting a bit choppy out here, and the weather is starting to pick up.


M: <accusatory> And you doubt our technology.


F: <immediately> That’s not true. For that reason you rule with few words, but with an iron fist. Those who side by you have nothing to fear, daring to all.


M: It is nice to see we agree with each other then. You should know that Richard had enormously helped with the evolution of our technology, specifically in the military field after Poseidon Oil fell nearly two centuries ago. No longer did we have to rely on that foul, black and grimy filth; nuclear power became more efficient than it ever was, increasing from five percent to nearly ninety-nine percent. Now our energy is next to infinite as a result of NU deposits. And that has transcended further to advancements in weaponry, armor, general research and…just so much more.


F: <apprehensively> That was uh…very nice to know sir, but I don’t think I’m here for a history lesson.


M: Ahh, you must forgive me then. I tend to ramble.


F: It’s quite alright. Those databanks must be tough to sort through. For one, I know I couldn’t.


M: I can manage, for I review the information as we speak; my eyes are always upon them.


F: I see. Regardless, I recall you also wanting to say something else? At least I think so; my memory seems to be fading already. <A light chuckle follows, but quickly dies>


M: And that is exactly what I want to talk about.


F: Pardon?


<Wind picks up and violently booms, trees shaking>


F: <faintly audible> Why does the weather have to get ugly right now...! <Exasperated> Argh!


<Background noises subside>


F: <exhales, clearer> Okay…it appears to be gone. <spits> You may continue.


M: Hmm. Make sure they are always with you – the rest of your friends who in majority sleep soundly tonight. Remember your deal; you win, I win. I am trying to help you succeed, and you cannot possibly do so alone. You need them as much as you need me, because as you know, we must recover. Take heed, especially to your “intelligent” leader…


F: Do you mean -


M: Yes, him. Work together, please. With all of them.


F: I will. I mean, I will try…


M: <sighs in dismay> What would Grognak say?


F: Huh!? <surprised> How did you know Grognak the Barbarian was my favorite comic character!?


M: <defensively> I never said that.


F: But you obviously know more about me than I previously thought…


M: Hubris Comics made the titular character “Grognak” back in the 21st century, but even today he is popular. There are still plenty of comics and such going around the Capital Wasteland. Anyone could have guessed that, don’t you think? Or here is another conjecture: you just find primitive and prehistoric men attractive. Hah! Bestiality!


F: That’s not funny. But he is popular. I suppose you’re right…about that part. Not the other part.


M: <impatiently, somewhat irritated> Let us try this again. I will repeat myself: What would Grognak say?


F: He would say, “Your fight is your might, your friends your mends, and the ends of the dens.”


M: See? You remember that perfectly. Now listen to the very words you recite: there is no strength without struggle, and your friends are your aid. Yet, take note of the end of that quote; Grognak fought alongside others in the lairs of those wild beasts to rescue those he held dear to him?


F: <small gasp> Ah! Yes, he did…


M: Even from more than a century ago those words will echo true today. You need them - nay, with utmost significance, him - to complete this task and to fulfill both our goals, putting an end to the conflict. Let there be purity. As for you…


<A short silence>


M: Please look at me when we’re talking. I can see you, if you have forgotten. Technology is such a wonderful thing! Our problem solver!


F: <apologetically> Sorry…! I was thinking about…something…


M: I know what you’re thinking about. Don’t worry. Our technology will not fail either of us, I assure you. In some ways, it is virtually a crystal ball.


F: Well, you’re wrong about that. That being about what I’m thinking, anyway. Hehe. I’ve just been thinking about what things will be like after all this is over. You know, that I’ll finally have some true memories to call my own…


M: <light snickering?>* True memories, you say?


F: <straightforward> Correct. I know who you are…but have you ever felt…joy?


M: Yes, of course. You can tell me anything.


F: …it feels great, doesn’t it?


M: <laughs happily> Yes, it does! Whew! Was that self-evident enough?


F: It was. <depressedly> I guess I’m too cynical at times.


M: Maybe you are. Only you can know that for sure. Ah, well, maybe we can talk about that next time.


F: Will that be after we secure the prototype Stealth Boys from the National Guard Depot?


M: Technically, yes. You and I are likely not thinking the same thing; we’ll converse again at Project Purity itself, during reassembly. I can possibly help you with the directions, if you’d like. The blueprints from Rivet City’s science lab are quite informative and detailed to say the least. Li is a brilliant doctor; you’ve got to hand it to her.


F: Thanks for the offer, but I’ll be fine. I have it in me. I’m handy with a wrench.


M: <in amusement> Whatever you say.


F: Oh! It’s getting way past my bedtime. I think I’ll get some shuteye. It’s a big day tomorrow…well actually, today, and we all have plans.


M: That’s right, and I’ve said what I needed to say. I’ll leave you to your business. But don’t forget: the Enclave never sleeps.


F: I won’t. <footsteps> Until we meet again.


M: Farewell.


*Editor’s note: There was some significant distortion in the audio here due to reasons that are not clear. The most likely reasons are due to harsh weather, or more strongly, other electromagnetic waveforms (such as radio) causing destructive interference as wave propagation. This has to deal with the relationships between the corresponding wave amplitudes and wavelengths (also see nu + lambda.) I’m unsure what exactly happened here; although my hearing worsens and I’ve asked some colleagues of mine to help me in this particular matter, there is still some uncertainty.


Edited by AliasTheory
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