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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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nice,but you still haven't explain how jecricho get involved with all of this ~_~ i really want to know.i may don't know anything about litterature but you got tallent for it,great work my friend.can't wait for next chapter. :teehee:
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Chapter 4: Reunion



The storm has passed. We are five lonely souls walking among the dead; horribly mutilated corpses and body parts are scattered throughout the perimeter of our former prison. Destiny is an ideal justice: unwavering, decisive and unbiased; we, however, are the exception from its wrath, for we have rebelled against the impossible. It has given us a second chance, and fate is now only an obstacle.


After walking several miles away from the Enclave base, we decide to set up camp with the bare essentials. Some of our equipment, such as our tent, had fallen out during our escape, and there was no way we were heading back; the catastrophe will undoubtedly attract the native wasteland wildlife. Under normal circumstances we might have called it quits for the day, but our hunger for knowledge of the situation drives us onward into the night.


A small campfire burns on top of a small hill, illuminating the shadows around us. A warm feeling of home surrounds the site as we get things in order and enjoy our victory feast.


“Jericho…thanks again for saving us. All of us. We’d be dead without you, and Autumn would still be alive.”


“Ahh, it wasn’t no big deal,” Jericho replies. “You’ve saved mine once, so I’m here to return th' favor.”


“Yeah, I saved ONE life,” I remind him. “You just saved FOUR. By the way, you remember all of us, right?”


Jericho just breathes deeply and sighs. “Maybe,” he says. I think he is just trying to humor me.


“Well,” I continue, “that’s Saya with the long ponytail over there. She’s the youngest, as you might have overheard…and she is probably the most reserved out of all of us…hey, Saya…!” I turn to face her.


Everyone gasps, but I’m quick to respond. Saya had just finished laying out the sleeping gear but had fainted on the spot. I catch her in my arms before she comes into contact with the rock-hard earth. The morphine must have worn out and Autumn’s torture methods must have taken their toll. Her light, tender frame allows me to carry her effortlessly.


Gently stroking her hair, I set her down on the sleeping bag she had just laid out.


“Hey Butch, could you take care of her for a bit?” I call out. “Thanks. Oh yeah, Jericho, that’s Butch with the shades, forgot abo-”


“Yeah, yeah, I know who he is,” Jericho sasses me. And Sleeping Beauty too. I saw dem back in Megaton wit’ you at the bar…who’s th’ new girl?”


Butch forcefully frowns in both disgust and jealousy. I have to smile…inside of course.


“Oh, her? Her name is-“


“Saori,” she interrupts. Suddenly, she is up in our faces. “Saori Ikeda. It was my grandmother’s name, but unfortunately, I’ve never met her. I fell ill when we first arrived in Megaton from the Vault, and you never came to visit us when we returned either.”


With her piercing blue eyes wide with excitement, Saori extends her thin, delicate hands to Jericho, who replies with his scarred and rugged own. They both shake on it. But Jericho doesn’t even reply to her; all he has is this big, possessed grin plastered to his face.


A shooting star passes overhead. How apropos.


“Uhm…Jericho, buddy,” I whisper. “You can stop now.”


“Eh…huh, wha? Oh. Sorry.”


Saori blushes.




I clear my throat loudly. “Well…now that THAT’S over, I need to discuss some things with you, Jericho. Let’s take a seat over there by the water. And here’s your smoke; you deserve it.” I light a cigarette from my pocket and hold it between my fingers.


“I guess I do, don’t I?” Jericho plucks it from my finger grip with a hint of elegance, like a gentleman might do with a rose. “Thank you.”


“Oh, and you’ll be night-watching with me tonight,” I add. “The campsite of course. Don’t take that the wrong way or anything.”


“…Funny guy.”


Edited by AliasTheory
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Chapter 5: Fireside Chat



The camp is all set up now as we overlook the lake, cool and calm. Like a mirror, the full moon and stars appear crystal clear in the water, all of which are watching down upon us from the cosmos. The tall grass blows gently in the midnight breeze; this night is one I would hardly consider chilly. The weather is perfect. I’m still full from our feast, but I lightly snack on some iguana bits.


“Jericho…so how did you know about our situation?” I question, gnawing on my skewer.


Jericho blows out some smoke, and props his legs up on the nearby table. “You wanna know, huh. Well, just like many of those other raider scum out in th’ wastes, the Enclave came to me. I was surprised they was real. They didn’t come to me in da flesh, but they ‘invited’ me with an audio tape. Like a party. Those bastards told me that I might get a better life if I helped dem out by killing some poor souls, and I agreed. I was desperate; Megaton is no paradise. But when I saw you guys fighting hard out there in th’ middle of D.C…I knew I couldn’t put a hole in any of ya. I just knew it…and fightin’ with you guys would have left me bloody and dead. So I waited to help ya all out. But I needa hand it to you kid; you really did grow a pair after you left.”


“Gee, thanks. It took you quite a while to grow one yourself, didn’t it?”


Our hearty laughter fills the air. I toss my skewer into the water in front of us and turn around for a quick survey of the camp. Saya’s still checked out and Butch taking a bite to eat. Saori has taken his place as “nurse.” Butch, you lazy sonnuvagun.




The laughter dies down, and we catch our breath.


“But Jericho, there were lots of other mutants and wildlife attacking us as well…where did they come from? They were working together, like a team.” Everything is still a bit fuzzy to me.


“Who the h*** knows, kid. Who knows what those demon-headed a**holes are doing? Maybe they are usin’ some sorta mind control device or sumthen.”


“But I didn’t see any kind of helmet or headband,” I think, recalling several Deathclaws.


“Well, maybe they don’t need it anymore? Maybe they’ve gone wireless, like radio?”


“Hmm. If the Enclave did that, they would need to emit some sort of powerful series of wavelengths to disrupt the brain’s signal for multiple life forms,” I hypothesize. “That includes the Super Mutants. But if you were at the scene of the fight, then why weren’t you affected? You were conscious.”


“Don’t geek out on me, kid. But yeah, who the h*** knows. You’ve seen their crap; they’ve got stuff nobody else has ever laid a godd*** eye on.”


Jericho holds up the enigmatic rifle that had ended Autumn’s life.


“The thing is,” he continues, "the Enclave has gotta be still up an’ running. Just because some leader of theirs is dead dun mean that they’ll just beat it. These guys won’t stop till they get what they want.”


“You’re right, unfortunately,” I comment. “And I almost forgot you had that gun…what do you know about it? She’s quite a piece of work.” I bend over for a closer inspection.


“There’s no juice left in this thing. See?” Jericho points to a small gauge on the bottom of it, and I notice that the once eerie glow is now a dull blue. “But I found this thing inside the base you guys was in. I snuck in posed as one of ‘dem devils who took ya all in; even old man Jericho can take down at least one of those. When I saw this beauty and her data in one of their rooms, I knew I had myself a plan; the data even labeled this thing as f***ing alien.


“Alien…? Like…from up there?” I look at the moon. It’s so pretty tonight, but perhaps those same aliens are looking at us right now from that very mass of rock.


“Maybe kid. Maybe. And I befo’ I forget need to ask you sumthen’ too: why’d you stop when we was leavin’ that s***hole? We were this close to being f***ed over thanks to your lame stunt.” Jericho closes his fingers together with a milimeter to spare.


Oh yeah. I remember now. That cube.


Without responding, I pull it out of my pocket. Even in the moonlight, it is strikingly reflective coupled with its unique design. The cube is still glowing bright blue.


“What in the world is that?”


“Yep, this is that ‘s***’ I picked up.” I twirl it around, taking note of its strange alloy. Turning the etched side reading “Project Purity” towards Jericho, I hold it close to his face. “Name ring a bell?”


“Hm. Never heard of it. But couldja let me see that for a sec? That’s one piece o’ tech.”


“Sure thing.” I hand the cube over.


“Cool, thanks- eh?”


A small metal component flies out of the cube upon passing it to Jericho and narrowly stops at the edge of the lake. I pick it up gently, being careful not to crush it in my grip. This piece of technology reminds me of something familiar…something I’ve seen even before I went out into the Wastes with Butch, Saya and Saori all those years ago. A Pipboy.


“I’m not sure why this never ejected before,” I say. “But I think I have an idea what this just might be!” I get out of my seat.


Jericho only sighs. “Oh boy,” he exhales. “The kid’s got another bright idea.”


“Hey Saori!” I call out. “Come here for a second…I need to see your Pipboy.” I would use my own, but it had been destroyed in a firefight soon after we had first left Megaton. Butch lost his too; it malfunctioned and exploded on his arm around the same time, leaving a scar.


“I heard you,” she rings. “Don’t need to yell.” She turns around and walks towards me, dusting her Vault suit off. Her wild, black hair magically holds itself together and her bright, blue eyes seem to glow even in the darkness. In her brief and few steps towards me, her “don’t take crap from nobody” attitude clearly shows; there is a slight ladylike swagger to her walk. Even after outrunning an orbital strike.


I turn to the other side of camp and notice there are not one, but two people sleeping. I smile. “Oh, one last thing Jericho. Wake Saya and Sleeping Beauty up. The real one, obviously. You guys probably won’t want to miss this.”



Edited by AliasTheory
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Lots of forums have a "watch feature," but I would like to organize the story a bit so parts of it aren't scattered in a bunch of different posts.


I'm in college now so things will be a bit slower, obviously.


I'll make a little bit more art to go along with it too.

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