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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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Wow, I'm not really sure what to say! I need to at least skim over all the previous chapters again at some point so I can clearly remember everything that happened, but I'm pretty sure that I was expecting something like this ending, but I wasn't at the same time? Does that make any sense? There was still an air of suspense and drama IN THE SUMMARIES .....which is saying a lot about your writing skills because THEY ARE SUMMARIES. So hush your mouth.


First, as I've stated before I love your Butch. I love how you interpret his character (even though he wasn't mentioned overmuch in the synopses I just wanted to reiterate. I just really like Butch in general because he's got so much potential to become such a interesting character and you did a flawless job)


I really liked Lyn's character throughout the whole thing, but as I was reading the summaries I was like "She has to die. She has to." There had to be some symmetry and I'm glad she died. However naive and grief-induced, character selfishness isn't something I can really tolerate, and I would have been disappointed if you'd let her live, even after the...redemption with Eden. Maybe I just need some sadness!


Also domestic Drew and Saori at the end made me happy!!!


ANYWAY!!!! I'm so glad you gave us the ending of the story, even if you've gotten disinterested in it. I certainly know how that feels. :\


When you write more original works you're gonna let us know, right? Liiiiikke....in my inbox, you know where it's at. Aw yis


Ok Odile stop blathering

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Ah, I think you are giving me too much credit. The summaries I mindlessly typed in a single sitting, so I can't feel that they could be anything extraordinarily (and the fact that they are purely summaries.) But if it rubbed off that way on you, great!


I don't know about "flawless job." I didn't think his character through as early as I probably should have, so I felt like I had to cram it in. In retrospect, I say the character could have been deeper. It seems rather linear to go from foolhardy to having an air of nobility (in a few chapters, no less!) I probably would have shown more in what would have been the next chapter, since he and Saya were to have the siblings-type of relationship as things came to a close.


I was planning Lyn's eventual death and betrayal from the beginning. (I guess you can say I never really got around to writing that part.) She's kind of a fun character though because she's willing to ditch all of her friends for her dad, even if the alliance with both her negotiator and friends was rather shaky; simultaneously, you can relate to the situation, likely having parents, and her reasoning therefore may seem logical. It's a rather innocent vision, actually. I find it interesting that you like this character because I believe it is very easy to make an unlikable one of a similar archetype. Typically, these unlikable ones bear the aura of whiny children, and nobody really likes them at all. In many other pieces of fiction, be it a book or even a movie of sorts, I get really frustrated at the naivety and angst. (Even my friends ridicule the similar acts of other fictional characters.) I suppose in sense, I succeeded in avoiding that.


I got disinterested not only due to my time constraints (curse you, real life!) but also that I don't like what I've done. Sure, it's a piece of writing that has really only gone through brief grammatical revisions, but I feel I could have just done more with it as a whole if I had the brains to organize my ideas a bit more. Plus, the writing began as something very secondary: to serve as an accompaniment for the images -- but I ended up pulling a 180 here, as you can probably tell.


Once again, I apologize for ditching everyone by not truly tying things up here. This thread will naturally dwindle to the dusty bottom that is beneath the mass sea of works we know as the Druid's Garden, but I'm always open to comments, be it the actual writing, plot nuances, imagination process, etc.


Even if I don't consider the inspiration process honestly "inspired," I do like certain themes in this story, so in future works you may see them again.


Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Odile.


(Also, I did post that other writing on your profile)

Edited by AliasTheory
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